18》Set if off

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"ROARRR!" Screamed Ben as he unfrooze running forward as it Malificent was still in front of him. I let out a giggle as Jay helped me up. "Ben ben!" Said Mal running over to him let out a small laugh, "We kind of have this all wrapped up here" She smiled looking at me.

Ben looked around to see people began to unfreeze and the damage of the castle began to fix itself. He looked down at Mal before picking her up and spinning her around. Jay and me smiled at Bens joy before looking at each other. "You saved us" He smiled at me, I opened my mouth as I was abumshed by hugs by Addie and Alex who where still alive. "You saved us!" Addie smiled as she half yelled in my ear, Alex squeezed us all together in a big hug.

"Next time" Jay said laugh a little. I pulled out from the group hug to face him, "I save you" he laughed softly. I let out a small chuckle, "Yeah let's hope from a next time" I said slipping my hands into his as we walked over to Mal, Ben, Evie and Carlos.

"Addie!" Carlos said as he pulled the small ginger into a tight hug. "Carlos" squeaked Addie, "Sort of can't breathe" Carlos let go quickly as his freckled cheeks filled with red. "Oh oh sorry" he said looking at his feet. Addies lip turned into a huge grin before she grabbed him by the collar and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Thats my boy!" Hollered Jay as he fist pumped the air. Carlos cheeks where a bright red as Addie pulled away. "I uh you uh we uh kissed" he slurred his words. We all bursted into laughter, before Mal turned and looked over at Jane who was getting chewed out by FairyGodmother.

"I'll be right back" said Mal as she let go of Ben's hand before walking over to Jane. "Don't go to hard on her.. I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head" Mal apologized grabbing Janes hand, "You are beautiful" She said to Jane. I felt my lips turn upward into a smile. "Inside and out, just like your mom said" Mal finished. Jane smiled looking at FairyGodmother, "I guess I did get lucky in the mom department" Jane said softly. Mal nodded, "Yeah you did so."

"Silena?" Spoke a voice, I turned around fully to see Audrey and Chad who both couldn't look me in the eye. They both looked behind me at the others and then back to me, not knowing what to say. I smiled a little before grabbing Audreys hands, "Friends?" I asked. Audrey nodded her head before pulling me into a hug by surprise. "Sorry for being a royal pain in the butt" Muttered Chad as he had his hands in his pockets. I laughed a little before pulling him into a hug, "Not ever Prince is perfect" I said smiling at my friend. Chad smirked, "Well i am Prince Charming" I rolled my eyes, "Junior!" Me and Audrey bursted into a giggle fit.

"Careful!" Mal said running back over to us as a guard placed a glass case on The lizard, "Thats my mom" she said making us giggle. The guards turned to Ben, as if asking where to put the creature. "Put her in the magical prison, don't need to repeat what happened to day" he said rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah I'd like to be able to have my coronation in peace" I smirked as I adjusted his crown.

Jay then wrapped his arm around me and pulled Carlos with his other arm. Mal and Evie joined along with Ben, alex and Addie. "Well" he grinned, "Lets get this party started!" He shouted, making us all laugh.


Fireworks went off as we all danced to the music on the stage. I stood a long side of Evie and Mal as a song began to start. "Oh yeah Oh yeah yeah" sang Mal, starting off the song.

"Let's set it off!" Sang Evie dancing beside her pulling me along "Oh yeah"
"You can make it happen!" I sang loudly as Ben was carried on to the stage smiling as we all sang "Ohay ohay hey!"

"Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise Write the book story of our lives,
This is us taking back the night." Ben sang as Mal danced towards him, "Break the spell, We were born this way Be yourself, forget the DNA,
Everybody raise your hands and say
Ohay, ohay!" She sang.

Evie stuttered to the front of the stage as the guys danced behind her whenever she passed by before she danced with Doug, "Sound the alarm, get on your feet Let's set it off and rock this beat
Dance till your heart is wild and free"

"Feeling the power, let it all out,
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom's ours!" I sang as Alex and Addie danced beside me.

"Let's set it off!" We all sang together before colliding hands together and dancing all at once.
"Oh yeah Start a chain reaction, Never let it stop! Let's set it off Oh yeah You can make it happen With everything you got! Let's set it off!" Alex quickly jumped off stage before going over to Jay and Carlos.

"Yo, it's time to set this thing off, Let's make it happen now I'mma make my own future, ignore the rumors and show them how passion sounds !" Alex sang along with Carlos and Jay as they passed by Jane who was sitting alone. Alex held out a hand in front of Jane who nervously took it as Alex brought her up the stage to dance.

"They all told me I should back down
Judgin' me 'cause of my background
Thinkin' 'bout changing my path now
I ain't goin' out like that now!" Sang Carlos as Addie grabbed his hand running beside me as he spun her around before giving Jay a fist pump and leaving.

I saw Jay sitting alone as i began to twirl over there, I tapped his shoulder getting a big grin from him, "Feeling the power, let it all out, Like what you see in the mirror, shout"
"We got the keys the kingdoms our" he finished before twirling me and grabbing me up to the stage. Ben past us smiling as we began to sing again.

As everyone was dancing as i grabbed Jays hand before smirking over at Ben's and Mal who must have head the same idea as I did before me and Jay ran upstairs to the balcony.

He spun me around on the stairs, catching me and leaning me down before smiling and picking me. We reached the top of the balcony as soon as soon as Mal and Ben did.

I looked over the balcony smiling at the people who where dancing and enjoying themselves as Jay wrapped his arms around my waste pulling me close into his chest. My eyes went from Alex and Jane, to Addie and Carlos, Evie and Doug and heck even Audrey and Chad.

I turned around facing Jay with a huge smile on my face. "Ohhh yeah!" I sang, "Let's set it off, let's start a chain reaction never let it stop!" We sang together his forehead against mine as we danced and sang.

As soon as the song ended we faced the edge of the balcony to see everyone turning around and bowing to us. I smiled brightly and looked up at the sky as fireworks went off.

Jay pulled me close, "Thank you" he smiled, "For giving me my happy ending" I smirked, "This isn't an ending" I placed a soft kiss on his lips before leaning into his chest, "This is only the begining"

AHHHHHHHHHHH this is the end ))):
I had so much fun writing this but everything good must come to an end...


You thought this was the end


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