8》Break up

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I truly dreaded the evening lunch before a tourney game. A lunch where I have to sit with Audrey, Chad and Ben and listen to Audrey blab about someone she doesnt like. But today is my lucky day! Ben decided to stay after school and talk to Mal leaving me alone with princess blabber mouth and Prince uncharming. Then again Ben was acting werid after Mal gave him that cookie..

"Silena!" Screeched Audrey, "Are you eveing listening?" I looked up from my small salad and nodded reciving an eyeroll. "Anyways, have you seen what that witch has been doing to all the girls hair?" She panicked. I nodded my head slowly as i sipped my drink, "And what seems to be the problem?"

"The problem is that shes using dark magic" Said Chad, rolling his eyes and looking at me as if i was an idiot. "Where did you get that dress?" He asked totally getting off topic as he looked at what Evie had made me. I smiled brightly, "Oh Evie made it for me" Chad grimaced, "Its hideous Silena, like come on she made it" I glared softly at him. "What's that suppose to mean?" Audrey rolled her eyes and groaned. "Come on Silena! Please tell you are not actually befriending them are you?"

i opened my mouth to answer when Chad cut me off, "Of course she is! I saw that long haired punk all over her when they arrived!" I glared at them, "If you really met them-" Audrey laughed, "Silena, I know your mother is Snow White and she forgave the evil queen for almost killing her. But those kids parents killed your father, what makes them any different? That Mal girl is nothing but a witch, using magic to get people to like her. That Carlos loser? Yeah hes a nobody compared to us."

"That wannabe princess Evie is a total gold digger! She probably made you that dress as a trick to make you think they're actually turning good!" Chad said crossing his arms and smirking. "And that Jay? A total uncontrolable freak who doesnt know anything besides hurting people and stealing" "Enough!" i shouted as i stood up from my chair making it fall back. "i Will not sit here as you insault my friends like that!"

Chad turned his head and looked at Audrey,"I think Silena might have feelings for one of them" I clenched my fist, "Maybe I do" i said confidently. Chad stood up and looked down at me crossing his arms, "And whats that suppose to mean?" He asked trying to size me up.

"It means im breaking up with you" I breathed out. Audrey gasped, "You cant be serious Silena! You cant honeslty be breaking up with Chad for some some some" "Freak" muttered Chad, "Do you know who i am?-"
"Yes a self centered twit who doesn't care about me like Jay does." I glared at him.

Chad began to laugh "Oh God You have feelings for that Jay dont you?" I nodded "And in the few days i met him, he made me feel loved. Better then all those years of you not even noticing im there and flirting with other girls"

"You could lose your royal status for leaving me! A queen cant rule without a king, Without me you'd just be a pretty face with a tiara" He said smirking at me. I kept everything with in me to not punch charming in the face. "Befriending those outcast will be a mistake" Audrey said as she stood next to Chad. "Befriending YOU was a mistake you're nothing more than a royal pain in my ass" I said grabbing my bag.

Audrey gasped and covered her mouth when I said that, "You see! They're changing you Silena!" Yelled Chad. "They aren't changing me" I said as I grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket "Its just I can finally be me without the whole princess act" I started to turn around when I heard Chad shout. "Your a princess! He's a villain! Your father would be ashamed of you for falling for something off the isle of the lost!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around chunking the fruit straight into Chads face making him stumble and fall on to his back. "Chad!" Audrey cried out as she hovered over the groaning Prince.

"Don't ever talk about my father like that" I growled before storming off.


"Hey Princess" I looked up to see Jay walking over to me wearing his Tourney uniform, I saw he clutching something in his hand. "Hey Jay" i said quickly trying to wipe any tears left on my face. "Have you been crying?" he asked as he took a seat next to me on the bleachers putting the thing he had to the side of him.

I shook my head no, "Just a little something in my eye" I said rubbing my eyes. Jay laughed, "You are a terrible liar"

I gave a small laugh before smiling at Jay, "Me and Chad broke up" Jays smile lit up quickly, "Oh wait" he said before frowning, "I'm so sorry about that" he said faking it. Out the corner of my eye I could see him act slightly excited about the break up.

I rolled my eyes before laughing a little and pushing his shoulder, "I'm not sad about that" I said, "It's just he brought up my dad and how he would be ashamed of me for.." My voice died out as I looked Jay into his brown eyes.

"Ashamed of you for what?" He asked, I shook my head, "It's nothing im just real sensitive about my dad's death." Jay grabbed my small hand into his larger one, "What happened to him? If you dont mind me asking" he said.

I bit into my lip, "He he died because our kingdom was ambushed by some villains" I sighed "He saw a black Dragon coming towards the gate so he ran to close it but was ambushd by some man, the man struck him but the witch killed him."

Jay squeezed my hand, "Is that why that magic barrier came up?" I nodded, "Sort of, when he took his last breath his spirit sort of blasted the other villains out of Auradon. Anything evil was stuck on the Isle of the Lost and my dad's spirit protects Auradon like giant barrier" I explained my fingers fiddling the locket.

"I'm going to be honest with you Jay" I said looking away from him. "I didn't want to like you guys because of what happened to my dad.. Even though you weren't the ones to kill him I just wanted to hate you guys and I would always want to find a way to make Ben hate you guys but honestly, the friendships I've made with you is way better then my so called friendship with Audrey and Chad" I turned my head to see i was inches away from Jay.

Jay smiled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck, "Silena would you.. I dont know.. want to go.. hang out sometime?" He asked shyly.

I felt a smile form on my lips as I nodded

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I felt a smile form on my lips as I nodded. My eyes wandering towards the thing on the side of Jay. "What's that?" I asked, my lips still in a smile. Jay looked at it before quickly pushing it under the bleachers making it fall to the ground, "It's uh nothing" he said quickly giving me a nervous smile. We heard the clock on the school building ring, "I have to go now, even though I would really love to stay here and talk for hours but I have to go to the locker rooms before the game starts" he said standing up.

I stood up and smiled, "I guess I'll see you after the game?" I asked. Jay smirked, "I'll be the one in the Jersey, Later Princess" he said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading down the bleachers.

My smile grew as i placed my hand on my now blushing cheek, and looked at the ground. My eyes instantly wondered to a crushed up cookie.

To all you Chad haters I dedicate this chapter to you (': YO I WAS HARDCORE ROCKING OUT TO THIS SONG TOO!

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