14》The Boy in the Woods

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I sat up quickly, looking at the golden pair of eyes. "You! The boy in the woods! Your rumpelstilskin!" I said our eyes not breaking contact. The voice chuckled darkly, "Not even close" he said as he leaned against the tree as he stood on the branch. "I'm Ryder, son of rumpelstilskin"

I stood up wiping the dirt off me. "My father, well his spirit told me to come look for yo-" Ryder jumped off the branch landing perfectly on his feet. "Whoa" I said backing away slowly from the figure in the shadow. Ryder began to hum softly as he walked around the tree his glowing eyes not leaving me.

"Everybody seen my sunlight Everybody seen my shine, but they don't know my story They don't know what's on my mind" he sang softly before quickly darting to the other tree beside me. I started to feel uneasy as I looked at the glowing eyes.

"I carry on like a prince, but man i've got them fooled cause underneath my Business I'm cold, I'm hard, I'm cruel" He sang smirking at me before running by me quickly enough to push me to the ground. "What the-" I started as my voice died off as i saw Ryder leaned against another tree.

"never gonna put a spell on me never ever gonna bring me back never gonna make me be something I'm not" He sang smirking down at me, "because i'm evil ,tell the people,I'm evil open your eyes i'm all a discuise" Ryder sang as he walked behind the shadow of the tree, kicking a rotten apple towards me.

I stood up quickly putting an arrow into my bow, "If your so evil why are you here in Auradon?" I asked pulling back my arrow ready to aim if attacked.

The glowing gold eyes looked at me as Ryder walked into the small bit of light of the moon. A tall, lean pale teenager stood in front of me. He had dark brown hair and his eyes went to dark brown, he looked as if he hasn't slept in days.

"My father wasn't always a villain" he smirked at me, "But he changed right before i was born, turning into some tricky bastard, poor souls where fooled" Ryder said as he picked up the rotten apple. "But now that useless father of mine is trapped on the isle of the lost" he smirked before crushing it in his hands, "Thanks to your daddy"

I held the arrow into his chest, "This is a trick isn't it?" I said trying to hid my fear. Ryder chuckled, "Come on princess" he said as he walked closer to the arrow pointing towards his chest. "You know you dont want to kill me, you need me" He smiled pushing the arrow away from him. I lowered my weapon, "Your willing to help me make sure everyone on the isle of the lost stay There? For Auradon to be protected?" I said confused. With a blink of an eye he was behind me, "Well of course, if my father came back there would two people making deals with idiots and" he looked at his nails, "this place isn't big enough for two tricksters"

Ryder walked over to me a dark smirk on his lips "Come on princess, tell me the real actual reason why you came to me. Not the whole 'my father sent me' crap or 'i have to save the kingdom'" He looked down at me.

I felt myself tense up as he brushed my hair behind my ear. "Come princess of Auradon" he whispered "Tell me"

"I want to not be scared" I said softly, tears threatening to come, "That day at the school , I felt utterly weak, like i needed someone to come in and rescue me." My voice began to shake "I hate that feeling. I want to feel stronger than that" I looked up to sre Ryders eyes glimmer with gold, "I want to feel powerful" I spoke with confidence as i clenched my fist.

"Oh princess" He cooed at me as if i was a little kid, "You mortals are so blinded by love and kindness that if you open your mind and not your heart you'll be able to get the power you want" he said taking a bite out of the Apple that he once crushed. "How is it a full apple.." I asked looking at the newly polished red apple. "Magic lovely" he smirked as he tossed it up in the air, catching it. "Dark Magic"

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