6 》Jersey

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I left the dorm leaving Addie and Alex to find Mal and ask her about the wand busines only to run into someone. "Oh hey Lonnie" I said as I saw my friend, the daughter of Mulan walking a head of me. "Hey Silena! Do you know what room Mal and Evie are in?" She asked. "Yeah why?" I said as we walked together. "I was gonna ask if she could change my hair like she did Janes!"  She beamed  as she knocked on the door, walking into the room.

I saw Jane sitting on the bed, Evie sewing and Mal doodling on her bed. "Hey guys" i said smiling trying my best to act normal. "Hi im Lonnie, my mom's mulan" Lonnie said looking at Mal and Evie who didn't give a care in the world. "Anyways i love what you've done with Janes hair! And I know you hate us... and your evil buuut you think you can do mine?" She rambled.

"I'll never get a boyfriend!" Whined Jane dramatically as she laid on Evies bed. I took a seat by Jane, "You will eventually, love takes time" I said patting Janes back. "Boyfriends are a waste" snorted Mal as she ignored Lonnie. "I hate to do this but I agree with you" I said shrugging, "Boyfriends are a waste but I do wish to find love" Jane rolled her eyes, "You do have Love! You have Chad!" She groaned. Evie looked up from her sewing, "What?" She said, i could hear a little hurt in her voice. I felt the situation tense up, "Lonnie!" I quickly said looking at the daughter of Mulan, "You came here for your hair?" I said hoping to stay off the Chad topic.

Mal rolled her eyes, "I would we help you?" She said not looking up from her doodle."I'll pay you fifty dollars?" Evies mood changed quickly  as  took she took the money, "Good answer! Now lets see we can lose the bangs..maybe layers? And some highlights!-"
"I want it cool!" Lonnie said cutting Evie off, "Like Mals"

Evie grimanced, "Really? The split ends too?" Mal frowned at Evie as the blue haired girl waved the bag of money. Mal groaned as the grabbed her spell book. That book, I needed that book! I want to know what spells are in there.

"Beware foreswear replace the old with cool hair" said Mal as she waved her finger in front of Lonnie. And with that her hair grew into beautiful waves. I clapped in amazement, "That was amazing" I said, I wasn't lying either, all kinds of magic puts me in awe. Mal for once didn't give me a dirty look, instead she gave me a small smile.

Lonnie walked over the mirror and beamed, "I love it!" She said smiling over at Mal. "It's just.." Lonnie tore a piece of her dress making a slit through it "There!" Jane quickly ran over and looked In the mirror also, she repeated with Lonnie did but with fear in her face. "Oh no! Mother is going to kill me!" She squeaked. I couldn't help but join in the laughter of Mal and Evie.


I decided not to bother Mal about  the whole situation and take a walk behind the bleachers, I needed alone time with myself anyways.  I couldn't decided with to trust them or not. My mother always told me to listen to my heart and not my mind. And right now my heart is torn between wanting to be with Jay and believe they're  good or go with Chad and Audrey , an tell Ben that they are evil.

"Jay Jay Jay! Let me explain a team, Its like a family!" A voice spoke. I looked to see that Coach and Jay where sitting on the bleachers. "You do not want to be at my house at dinner time" Jay said seriously. I held in a giggle as i leaned against the bar that held the bleachers and watch them from above.

"Okay okay.. you know how a body has a lot of different parts? The legs the elbows the ears! But they all need each other that's what a team is! Different players that work together, make any sense?" Explained Coach. Jay nodded slowly as he smirked, "can i be the fist?" He said as he showed Coach his fist.

I let out a small laugh, he was so preicous how could Jay be Evil?

Coach pulled out a Jersey that had Jays name on it and the number eight "Welcome to the team Jay".  Jay took it and looked down at it as Coach patted him on the shoulder before leaving to check on the other players.

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