In the coffin

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Aelin's POV
The coffin was a small thing. I could barely move in it, let alone comfortably sleep in it. I tried to look for just a shed of light, but there was none, only eternal, devouring darkness.
I felt my stomach rumble, I must be sick. I'd had stomach problems for a while recently, puking more often than I'd like to admit. As much as I wished to die so I wouldn't be here anymore, I needed to stay so my court could finish this war. I was a distraction.
I tried to think of happy thought. I thought of Rowan, my carranam, my mate, the love of my life, but all I could think about was how upset he must be.
I tried to think of my life before my parents died, but all I could think of were the moments when I felt like an outcast because of my powers.
I tried to think of a time when I would get out of this hell, but I couldn't see anything. I just couldn't imagine getting out of here. That was how broken I was.
My stomach churned again, I put my hand in it. I felt it turning over. I felt my food making its way up.
The vomit came out. It made my throat so dry, but it made my mouth water. It was breaking me, day by day, that Rowan wasn't beside me to hold my hair back, or pat my back and comfort me.
All I wanted was to see him Again. I would do anything except put my country in danger. I couldn't be so selfish. I couldn't go to my mate if it could cost lives. I loved him on borrowed time, and I was so glad to have that time.
Rowan's POV
After weeks of flying high above all the water I could see with Lysandra and Aedion, we found this ship, a dark-looking ship. I hoped no one would see me as I circled above.
There I saw it, a dark coffin. I needed to get back to Aelin, I didn't care how long it took, or what I'd have to sacrifice, I had to get her out of there.
I couldn't care about anything in the world, if she wasn't there with me. I couldn't enjoy anything. I needed her to have any hope for a happy life. A happy life together.
I circled the ship thinking of her golden strands of hair, her turquoise eyes, and the golden rings around her pupil. Her face would never fade from my mind, I wouldn't allow it to.
I looked down at Cairn. Sadistic bastard. He probably enjoyed whipping my wife. My wife. This was my wife in there, I had to be smart. I had to make sure she lived. I don't think I could live a life without her.
Aelin's POV
I hugged my knees to chest, wrapping my arms tightly around my body. I barely ate, I still ate, but not enough. They wanted to keep me alive, they wanted to torture me. I felt my stomach, it was still round, even with my lack of food. Lucky me I thought.
I heard yelling outhouse my coffin. I heard endless demanding from Maeve. I wanted to kill her. I couldn't, I couldn't do that. I was a distraction. I had to remember that. I needed to remind myself too often. It's not like I could do anything. I had been tunneling down my well of magic for days now. I hoped no one would save me, but if they did, I'd be ready to burn everyone in this hell.
I could feel something moving in my stomach. I swear, if I have a parasite, I will be very upset. I felt it move around in my stomach. I was going to kill everyone here. Soon.
Rowan's POV
It was time, it was nearing dark. I'd be able to get closer at least, maybe I could get her tonight. Maybe I'd have to watch longer. I needed her, I needed her so badly. I couldn't even guess what would happen if I didn't see her for another month. Honestly I'd probably go insane.
I watched as the sun went down, and the day became night. I watched for the guards' rotations, then I turned to Lysandra and Aedion. Lysandra was in the form of an eagle, holding Aedion. They had sat on a rock for a while when he was watching.
They said it was because the position Lysandra held him in was uncomfortable. That might be true, but I suspected they weren't just sitting down there.
I looked her in the eyes, stared. I remembered that she wasn't Aelin, she couldn't tell what she was saying, when her eyes widened and her eyebrows scrunched.
"The guards are changing, now is the best time," I whispered.
Lysandra and Aedion both nodded their heads and we swooped down. As soon as we got close Lysandra let go of Aedion and he started killing soldiers, near silent. We couldn't awaken Maeve. I knew she would hear us, if not, smell us if she awoke.
I didn't know if we could kill her, Aedion told me Brannon didn't even know. But we had to get Aelin out, no matter what we had to do to get her. We'd do it. I sprinted as quietly as I could manage to the coffin.
Aelin's POV
I smelled pine and snow through the rusted coffin. I smell Rowan, my mate. I needed him right now, I needed to smell him. But it was probably my imagination. I missed him too much. It'd only been a few weeks, I shouldn't be this heartbroken.
"Fireheart? Are you in there?" I heard his low voice.
"Rowan?" I asked, on the verge of tears. Either he came for me, or I was imagining it all. Both scenarios were worthy of tears.
"Aelin," he sighed, "you're alive," he breathed. I sobbed.
"Rowan, I love you," I cried.
"I'm so sorry, Aelin, I'm so sorry," he sobbed.
"There's no need to be sorry, none of this was your fault. Just get me out of here."
"Right on it, Milady." Ugh, he knew I loved it when he called me that.
I heard his steps away as I yelled, "Maeve took the key, I think she hung it up in her room somewhere." He grunted and left. I waited. He would save me.
"Aelin?" I heard Aedion cry desperately.
"Aedion?" I asked.
"My queen, you're alive."
"You're not the first one to notice." He laughed or cried, I wasn't sure.
"Aedion?" I heard a female call, no, not a female, Lysandra. She gasped, "A-Aelin?" She asked. I heard a sob come from her, "we're gonna get you out of here, okay?"
"Rowan is getting the keys. I'm so glad you here," I was crying.
"Why did you come for me? There's a war going on,"
"Aelin, we would never leave you here, we could never leave you here. It's impossible," I cried harder, I'd been much more emotional recently, it was probably my lack of company.
"Are you okay?" Aedion asked. She could hear the confusion in his voice.
"Of course, why?"
"You just seem-emotional. Are you- are you on your period?"
"No!" I exclaimed.
"Okay," Lysandra said.
"I haven't had my period in a while. It might be coming soon."
"Whatever you say." Aelin giggled again, despite all that was happening. I smelled his scent again, pine and snow. It made me smile again. I breathed him in.
"Rowan," I cried.
"I'm here, Fireheart, I'm gonna get you out." I sobbed as I heard the lock turn. I was getting out. Ew, I had pissed and vomited on myself. No one would want to take me back. I saw the light and had to close my eyes. I felt strong arms pick me up. His smell was much stronger now, the pine and snow smell was in my lungs. He took me in his arms and we flew. I fell asleep in his arms.
"Fireheart," he murmured into my hair.
"Buzzard," I mumbled as I drifted off to sleep.

Hey, hope you liked this one. I think that it'd be cool if Aelin saved herself, but she does that a lot. I wanted this version so she'd know that she was loved, and her court would always be there for her. I think she deserves that. I'll be writing at least twice a week. I'll try to make them each at least 1000 words. Thanks for reading!

~ Jilli

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