Strange Royalty: Rowan is kinda cute

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Aelin's POV

I walked out of the throne room after telling the maid which rooms to put the fae royalty in. I tried to put Rowan as close as possible to my room without getting anyone suspicious. I wanted to stop by his room a couple of times... Yes, I did find him cute, who wouldn't? He was straight up hot. If we were to date then break up, it would be horrible for our countries' relations, but if it went well, Terrasen would have a strong ally. I wasn't going to lie, when he walked in I was a bit shocked by how attractive he was. His pine green eyes were hypnotizing. As soon as he walked through those emerald doors, I felt something. I had a crush.

I felt like a thirteen year old girl who just saw the cute new boy. Ugh, I was utterly ridiculous. I needed to get myself together. I would have to have a ball while they were here. I'd say it was for 'new relations,' but it'd actually be to show off in front of Rowan. He seemed to be a reasonable man, he would fall for it. I planned out my strategy, and soon I was more excited for the ball than the new allies. 

I looked through file after file before I decided I needed a break. I got up out of my chair and straightened out my dress. It wasn't too over the top. Very casual for a queen, but I didn't want to be like the Adarlanian court ladies. Anything but them. My dress was just a tight gown of emerald green. I had snuck a few knives into it, just in case. I left my room and made my way to my second favorite place in this castle, the garden. My favorite place was the dining room, because, you know, food. But the garden was just so beautiful.

I opened the garden door and breathed in the sweet scent of spring. I was feeling less stressed already. I walked through the lanes of flowers, taking in all the beauty. I waltzed over to my sakura tree. I loved it very much. My mother had planted it before she died. I would never chop it down, and I hoped the generations after me wouldn't either. I sat in its shade and closed my eyes. I wouldn't sleep, but I just wanted to breathe it all in fully. I heard footsteps approaching, and I guessed it would be Lysandra or Aedion.


The voice I heard was not expected, "Your garden is exquisite."

"Thank you, Prince Rowan," I replied.

"I thought we banned the 'prince' part,"

"No, we didn't ban it, we simply stated we could call each other without it,"

"I guess that would be correct,"

"One thing you must learn about me Prince," I opened my eyes, "I'm always right."

"Of course you are,"

"I am, you buzzard!"

"What does that mean?"

"You're from the line of Mora, your form is a hawk. It's merely a pun,"

"Did you just," he rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry Queen, but you're ridiculous."

"You'd be surprised at how many times I've heard that,"

"So many?"

"My cousin says it practically every day," I admitted. It was true. Aedion was unimpressed with me quite a bit of the time.

"I'm thinking of having a ball in celebration of our new alliance,"

"It would seen that you're one for luxury,"

"Really? I would never have guessed!"

He rolled his eyes, "Very queenly, Aelin."

I got up to curtsy, "Thank you."

"Well, your majesty, why are you here?"

"I'd ask you the same question,"

"Dodging the question are we?"

"Okay, I needed a break from paperwork, you?"

"I needed a break from my mother's yammering,"

"How is she?"


"She seems nice, sorry I scared her,"

"It's fine, it was funny. She doesn't know about your past,"

I laughed, "She did have a hilarious reaction,"

"Yep, I think that dinner is coming soon, would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, thank you." I took his arm.

We walked to the dining room together and found his mother, Aedion, Lysandra, and Evangeline sitting there. His mother gawked at our familiar stance. She must've thought it was more than it was. He stepped away to the table. Choosing a seat far enough away from his mother. I sat at the head of the table, Rowan was beside me.

"Well, Greta, this is part of my court. The woman over there with dark hair is Lysandra, my best friend. The one who looks like a male version of me, is my cousin, Aedion. And the little one over there is Evangeline. Everyone, this is Greta. She's the new fae queen. This is Rowan, he's the prince,"

"Cool," said Lysandra.

"Nice to meet you," Aedion commented.

"Wow! Do you like prince Rowan?" Evangeline asked.

I willed myself not to blush, "What kind of question is that, Ev?"

"A very reasonable one," she replied.

"I wonder," Rowan said, "If it is a reasonable question?"


"Does the queen have a crush?" Rowan asked. I looked to Greta, she looked mortified.

"What would happen if I did?"

"I don't know,"

"Well that's useful."

"Maybe we should speak about this later?"

"Yeah, I think the guests are getting uncomfortable, as am I," I told him.

"Um, what's for dinner?" Aedion asked.

"Lots of food, as usual." I pointed to the full table.

"Yeah, let's eat." Lysandra said, taking some salad.

I reached for the chicken at the same time Rowan did. Our hands touched, and he blushed. I winked at him and took some. I could see his face getting more and more red out of my peripheral vision. I smiled. He was fun to play with. 

He looked so cute when he was flustered. He looked like that through all of the main course and most of dessert before I took some chocolate and stood.

"I have paperwork, but it was a pleasure having dinner with you,"

I left to my room. I did have paperwork, but I mostly left because I felt bad for Rowan. He seemed so embarrassed, oops. A trace of my smile stayed from our conversation and his red face. I did the paperwork for a few minutes before I heard a knock on the door. I got up to check.

It was Rowan. He didn't look flustered anymore... 

Hey guys! I've decided I'm gonna continue this one and the 'police problems'. I hope you like this AU! Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger... kinda.


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