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Elide's POV
I laid in my bed in a small inn. The thirteen had agreed to stay in an inn, just this once. I was so ready to sleep on something comfortable. The wyverns were nice, don't get me wrong, but they always gave me cricks in the neck. That and the sexual tension between Dorian and Manon was insufferable. I couldn't stand between those two without the tension burning through me. It was deadly. So I tried my best to stay out of that. Hopefully they would share a bed tonight, get some of that tension out.
I closed my eyes, thinking about Aelin. We got news recently that she was okay, everything was okay. I was so glad that was true. We were already in Adarlan but still flying everyday, if we were going to get his country back, we'd have to fight for it. Dorian agreed, so we were still in the sky everyday. I was still riding with Manon as Dorian stared at her from Asterin's wyvern. Once I rode with Asterin, and Dorian was with Manon. Manon left into the forest and Dorian went after her. We let him, which was not the best idea. They, well we don't know exactly what they did but all of the thirteen could smell their scents intertwined. I wasn't sure I wanted to know any more about that.
I heard a slight noise from my window, I immediately opened my eyes and snapped up my head. I looked to the window and saw that familiar inky black hair. Lorcan. I was still upset with him, but it was a relief to see he was okay. I guess I kinda understood why he called Maeve over, I guess that meant he cared for me. I still stayed in bed and raised my eyebrows at him. He looked at me with an exasperated look. I got up to open the window.
"Thank you," he said to me.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want to apologize. I hope you know I only did that because I care about you, I didn't want you to get hurt,"
"Never call for the evil queen. Never. I would rather die in that war than see Aelin like that again,"
"I can't watch you get hurt. I can't watch that happen, I could never let you die,"
"That's selfish, Lorcan. I would die for her, but you wouldn't let me die for that cause. She is my queen, and I would die for her, without as much as a second though, but you won't let me,"
"You've given enough. You've given so much to this world, to Terrasen. Your mother was given, now you want to give your life? Nothing is helping. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you died before you saw those sacrifices affect the world for the better."
"I wouldn't need to see it, all I want is to know that I'm doing something for the greater good. Aelin represents a new world, a better world. A world of safety and happiness. My life is barely a speck of dust compared to hers. Maybe my purpose is to give things up for her. Maybe my purpose is to save her. Maybe if I gave my life for hers, I would be known as more than dust beneath others' feet."
He shuddered as I said that. He came a step closer, and I wanted to hug him. To hug someone, but he probably wouldn't hug me. That's what I thought, but just then he pulled me in for a hug. "You'll always be worth it to me, you'll always be more than dust, because I will treat you like royalty, no matter what," I cried into his shoulder. No one offered to treat me like that since my mother.
"Thank you,"
"It makes me so sad that you think you're worth nothing. You are worth everything to me. You make me happy. I care for you too much. If you were to be taken across the Earth, I don't know why but I wouldn't be able to stop myself from getting you back whatever way I could. I would never be able to leave you, I need you. You're my everything," he whispered into my ear. "I don't know why you make me feel this way. It made me really upset at first but now I understand that it just means that I care about you. A lot."
I kissed him and pulled him to me. He wasn't crying, but his eyes welled up with tears, and I guessed that was the most emotion I'd ever get out of him. I pulled away for a moment,
"You know that I'm human, right? I won't live as long as you, I'll die years before you,"
"I'll die with you," that was all I needed to know.
"I forgive you, Lorcan. I can't stay mad at you," a single tear streamed down his face. I didn't think he was able to cry. He really wanted me to forgive him. I pulled him close again and I kissed him. He kissed me back, and we sat on my bed, my hands cupping his face, his arms pulling me closer.
Maybe he wasn't perfect. Okay, he definitely wasn't perfect. But he was mine. He was what I wanted. He might be a brute, and rude sometimes, and he may have an ego the size of a truck, but I could deal with that. I could deal with anything if I was with him.
I felt Lorcan pull back, and I tried to pull him back in, but he pulled away. He looked m in my onyx eyes. He smiled at me and started walking to the door. I put my hand on his shoulder, begging him to stop.
"You look tired, you could sleep here for the night?"
"I'm fine,"
"Please, stay,"
He nodded and walked toward the couch that was barely big enough to fit a normal sized human. Yeah, that was not going to work. I pulled him over to my bed, and he went along with it. He slept holding me the entire night, until morning came and he was gone, running off somewhere so he wouldn't start a fight with Manon. Part of me appreciated it, but another part of me just wanted to sleep with him like that every single night. Maybe someday I would, but today was not that day. We still were fighting for our freedom from Erawan. We still had time, and soon, we would sleep in the same bed again. I knew it.

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