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Shopping AU

Aelin's POV

I was shopping at the main mall of my city, waiting for Aedion to come. He was supposed to be here by now. Ugh. I depended on him to carry all of my shopping bags. Now he was just gone. I wanted to start shopping already, he knew that, I couldn't believe him. I texted him, hoping he was just lost.

'Where are you??'

'I'm at the front, lost. I'm wearing a blue hoodie,'

I rolled my eyes and made it to the front of the mall. Aedion was ridiculous. I just couldn't believe he couldn't complete as simple a task as finding a store in a mall. On the way to the front I saw at least five shops I wanted to go to. For being so stupid, he was going to have to get me a gift or six.

As I found the front, I also found Aedion in his blue hoodie. I wondered how to get him back. He was kinda jumpy, maybe I'd tackle him, or jump on his back. I smirked and ran to Aedion and jumped on his back. I covered his eyes and said, "Guess who!" Aedion stumbled and said, 

"What the hell?" Oh, it wasn't Aedion. I didn't recognized that voice.

My life flashed before my eyes. This would be soooo embarrassing. I jumped down.

"I'm so, so, so very sorry. I thought you were my cousin." The man turned, pulling his hoodie down. He was very attractive. He had stunning pine green eyes and silver hair. He looked a bit older than me, maybe a few years.

"Try to be a little more careful next time, alright?" He didn't look so mad or even annoyed as he did surprised.

"Yeah, I'm gonna, uh, go-" I was about to run away but the man stopped me.

"My name's Rowan, I hope we'll run into each other again. But hopefully next time it won't be so literal." I laughed and got his number. I thanked him again for his understanding. I was going to murder Aedion.

Police and Problems

Aelin's POV

Crap. Crap, crap, crap. It was all I could say about this situation, crap. I didn't need this right now. I needed to get home to my sick cousin, not get chased by police. I didn't initiate the fight, well I kinda did, but he deserved it. I shook my head, right now was not the time to think about that traumatic experience. Right now I just needed to run and get to a car. Hopefully there would be someone there. I turned and the police were a few hundred feet from me. Crap. I sprinted for the road that led to my house. 

I ran through the streets, slipping through stores and restaurants to try to throw the police off. It didn't work. They were still on my back after about five minutes, so now my method was to find a man around my age to hop in the car with. Maybe they wouldn't question if I just sat still and looked pretty. Men were like that sometimes. They just wanted a pretty face and a silent mouth. I personally hated that. I had a big mouth, and I was proud of it. Sometimes it got me in trouble, but in this case, it wasn't me who really initiated it.

I finally got to a road that didn't have much traffic. I searched for someone my age and found the perfect ride. Standing a few feet away was a man maybe a few years older than me with a motorcycle. I sprinted to him and got on behind him. He turned around, his eyebrows raised.

"Go dammit! Go!" He looked concerned but he still hit the gas, and we were off. 

That didn't really go how I'd planned, but it worked. Since now I was out of reach from the police I had time to notice how extremely attractive this man was. I also noticed how well-built he was by holding onto him.

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