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Dorian's POV

I was with her, Manon. She let me ride with her on Abraxos. I watched as we passed orchards, and farms, and villages. Sometimes I wished I could have that life. But I was the heir to the Adarlanian throne. I just wished to be normal for once. I watched the ground, I watched the people walking, having a normal day. Some pointed to us, but that was normal.

Manon's hair tickled my face, even in a braid, it touched me. It sent shivers down my spine. Manon sat in front of me, leading Abraxos. She loved this wyvern, and I could see why. Abraxos was exceedingly affectionate, and sweet. Almost complete opposite of the Manon I know, but I wasn't sure I was seeing the real Manon. She was laughing now, not that evil laugh I've heard before, but the type of laugh that is genuine and carefree. I loved it was she laughed like that. She let her hair out of her braid and it flew in my face.

Manon's free hair bothered me greatly before. She likes to let her hair down when we fly, she loves the feeling of the wind through it. I used to get upset, but now it was beautiful to me. I learned to appreciate it, I even pulled my hand through it sometimes, barely. I'd done it too much once and she turned to hiss at me. I could never stop thinking about the ship, I doubt she could either.

I didn't know what to think about her. I didn't know if she liked me back, but for now, that wasn't the biggest problem. Erawan was raging a war, and I'm here, trying to guess if Manon likes me or not. Stupid, so insanely stupid. It was pointless anyway. She is the Crochan queen, I'm the king of Adarlan. She didn't want anything from me, I was a toy. Maybe I was okay with that.

Manon's POV

Asterin must've noticed what happened between me and Dorian, because this morning she offered to take Elide, leaving me with the king. He was quiet, too quiet. I'd known Dorian to be outspoken, even though he was royalty. I felt bad for him, he was born to be like them, a refined baby. It wasn't him, oh, he was definitely more than that. 

I couldn't stop thinking of those phantom hands. No matter how hard I tried, they always creeped into my mind. I rolled my eyes, I was ridiculous. He's a human, and a king. I'm a Crochan and Iron tooth witch. I was a speck of dust to him, and he was a speck of dust to my immortal life.

"Could we stop for a bit? Like, 20 minutes?" Elide begged.

"Yes, a break sounds fine," I answered, "20 minutes." 

I dove down with Abraxos. I loved doing that, the adrenaline. Dorian obviously didn't expect it to happen because he grabbed onto me. I liked that. I was dropping fast with Dorian on my back. I was surprised he wasn't screaming, most humans would've peed their pants by now. I turned to look at him, there was something in his eyes, not fear, excitement, like mine. He smiled at me. It was the worst and best thing that had happened on this trip.

I turned, I couldn't look at him anymore without think about those hands again. Curse him, curse his seductive ways, curse those stupid hands, and especially curse me, for being so foolish, for being pleased when he smiled at me. I couldn't think of him right now. I dug my heels into Abroaxos's side, telling him to go faster. He obeyed.

I hear Dorian laugh behind me, how was his laugh so alluring? I bit my lip, trying not to think about it any more than I'd already thought. I smiled as we found a clearing to land in. It was near a forest. I'd go in there, get away from Dorian. I signaled to the other thirteen, telling them that was where we were stopping.

When we landed, I was so glad to be on my feet. I told the thirteen where I was going, then left.

 I walked through the large woods, it was beautiful. I made my way through the intertwined trees, all so close together. I strode around them, I'd missed them. I missed the feeling of my feet on the ground. Ahead of me I saw a field. The small space was crammed with tall, yellow flowers. I looked to the flowers in the field, so bright and happy.  I walked through them, and sat in the small field. The smell surrounded me. There was beauty all around me. I felt someone walk to me before I saw them.

I turned to see Dorian. Dorian, of course he followed me. He followed me to my haven from him. I looked at him, his tanned skin was now golden. The line where his collar used to be was still there, a bit faded, but still there, along with some bruises from it. I wondered if he still remembered what happened when he wore the collar. Hopefully he didn't. I heard he did a lot of awful stuff in that time.

"Why did you follow me, Princeling?" He smiled at the name.

"You know I do have a name, right? You could just call me Dorian."

"I prefer Princeling," I smiled mischievously.

"Then I'll call you Witchling all the time," I glared at him.

"You better not,"

"Whatever you say, Witchling." I made to tackle him, but something stopped me. I remembered his phantom hands, my eyes widened.

"Remember these?" he asked as the hands traveled down my thighs.

"Yes I do, and right now is not the time." the hands stopped and pushed a few strands of hair behind my ear. Dorian closed in on me, and kissed me. The phantom hands pulled me closer to him as he kissed. I couldn't pull back if I wanted to, but I didn't want to. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him back. 

Sorry this one is not Rowaelin like usual, I'll get back to them next part. I just felt like writing about Manorian today. Hope you liked it anyway!!


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