Neighbors AU: The First Date

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I straightened imaginary wrinkles on my dress and went to the door, thank goodness it was Rowan, if it weren't I'd be pretty disappointed. I smiled, and he returned the gesture. I was nervous. I hadn't gone on a first date in a year, and I was rusty. Chaol and I were familiar so it wasn't awkward. Hopefully Rowan would be an interesting guy. I just hoped we'd understand each other. I knew him only a little, and I just hoped he was a genuinely nice guy. So I yelled my goodbyes to Lyssa and Aedion and took Rowan's arm.

"You look stunning,"

"Thank you," I murmured timidly, "Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

"Nope," he replied casually, "That's a surprise.

"Oh, come on! Are you going to blindfold me? How do I know you're not a serial killer? I thought I smelled something from next door!" He laughed.

"I guess you'll have to just trust me,"

"I guess so-" He pulled me down the hall, running. I giggled.

"Let's go! I want to have as much time as possible where we're going!" I was very confused, but I followed him.

I decided I'd trust him for today, but only today. I'd mistrusted enough men, thank you. I hadn't had a lot of boyfriends, but all of them failed, obviously. My first boyfriend, Sam had died, and I knew it wasn't his choice, but it killed me too. My second boyfriend, Dorian, was nice, but his father hated me. Then Chaol, we were always fighting, it just didn't work.

We got outside and he showed me his car. It was nice, but not a car that rich dudes get to overcompensate for a lack of personality, but nicer than all the cars I've had. He opened the door for me and I hopped in. He got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Do I have to close my eyes or something?" I asked as he started driving.

"No, not yet,"

"Not yet?"

"Nah, I'll tell you when you have to." I rolled my eyes.

"So, could you give me some clues?"

"Ummm, it'll be fun,"

"Wow, so descriptive!"

"I never said I'd be descriptive! I didn't even say I'd give you clues!"

"You could give me something more!"

"It'll make you scream." My eyes widened.

"NO, NOT LIKE THAT!" he exclaimed. "NO LIKE FUN! NO NOT THAT EITHER! NO you'll see,"

"Whatever you say,"

"You're just trying to get me to tell you!" I smiled wickedly and he shook his head.

"Yep, and it was about to work,"

"CLOSE YOUR EYES NOW!" I did. I felt it when we stopped and as he pulled me out of the car.

"I'm going to die,"

"Just trust me!"

"For someone I just met, you're asking me to trust you a lot,"

"Just go with it,"

"Okay," He lead me by my arm for awhile. I was starting to wonder if he was going to murder me, but I heard him say,

"Now, open,"

I opened my eyes and saw the most epic theme park I'd seen in a very long time. My eyes widened, I loved theme parks! I turned to him, my mouth wide open now, and exclaimed,

"YAY! I love theme parks!!!"

"I figured you'd be the type of girl to love theme parks,"

He pulled me toward the stand to buy tickets. When we got the tickets, I ran inside the park like an excited little girl, Rowan was right behind me, doing the same thing. I took his hand and lead him to the first roller coaster I saw. We waited in line and when we got on, Rowan took my hand. The roller coaster blasted off and we were sent up a large hill, then down, down, down. I screamed for the fun of it, though it didn't scare me at all. I smiled over at Rowan, who sat right by me. He looked excited, and it was the cutest thing I'd seen all day. I reached out my hand, and he took it, still smiling at me.

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