Chapter 14 | All That Leather

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"What's with all that leather?" Brianna asks as I step into the kitchen. Mom turns around and eyes me down. I sarcastically smile at her and start eating cereal.

"Blake, you don't need to act childish over a boy," mom leans on the counter looking at me. "What's going on?" Brianna asks liking at the two of us. "Mom has a problem with my clothing" I lie looking at my mom.

"She's eighteen and its senior year let us live a little mom" Brianna says as she sighs and returns to her breakfast. "Blake, listen to me when I tell you something. I'm your mom, I kn-" a car honks at the door and I run outside and into Bellamys car, Brianna following behind.


We get out of the car and walk over to the rest of our friends. Greeting each other when out of no where a girl comes up to - Bellamy who is standing right in front me - and starts kissing him. She was fairly tall, with blonde hair that reached her waist. Her arms wrapped around Bellamys neck as his hands went around her waist loosely. She turned his back towards me and glared at me while kissing him. Before I could react, an arm slung over my shoulder and pulled me to the side.

"Hey Blake, what's up?" Luke said smiling at me. "Hi, Luke, I just got here. What about you?" I ask as we start walking towards the building. "Nothing, I wanted to ask you something" he said while scratching the back of his neck. I turn my head and look at him, "We have a game this Friday and I wanted to you wear my jersey," he said while running a hand through his dirty blonde hair. A slight smile played on his face making that dimple of his visible. "I have a bad history with those...every time I wear won the team definitely loses," I said as I bit my lip. Boy was I bad luck.

"Well you weren't their lucky charm" he strikes a smile, "I can't say no to that face, now can I Skywalker?" I smiled back and headed towards my locker.

"Hey Blake," I heard an unfamiliar was say. I shut my locker to reveal the person. It was Zachary Levi, I only know his name because he stares at me all the time in class and even asked me to homecoming. He was one of those mean people who bullied people around. Although the bullying at our school was kept to a minimal considering everyone had rich parents and everything.

"Uh hi," I said as I looked at him. He had green eyes and huge bags under his eyes. He must have been partying this weekend. "My brother is throwing a frat party at Wilmore College, you have to be there!" he said in a heavy voice. I'm sure it wasn't originally like this. He had black hair and was well built for someone who isn't a jock. "I don't really, I don't go anywhere without my friends," I said as I started walking to class with him. "I invited the rest, I just wanted to make sure you'll be there too" he said as he smiled at me and held the door of the class. "Sure" I smile back and proceed to my seat.


"Are we going to that party on Friday?" I asked as everyone sat around the lunch table. "Duh, who wants to miss a frat party?" Brianna said as she ate her salad. "I'll come on my own, the boys insisted we celebrate after the game" Luke said as he typed away on his phone. "Woah, confidence" I said laughing. "You'll get used to it" Eliza patted my back.

"Wait if you'll drive then how will you go home?" I asked curiously. "I was thinking of staying sober, at least a bit. Last time I went to one of these parties things turned out pretty bad," he avoided eye contact and fidgeted with his hands. "What happened? Tell me," I said excitedly. I knew something good in a bad way must've went wrong. "Lets just say that those three girls I was with had the time of their life and I didn't..." he trailed off as Harry and Chris started to laugh.

Where was Bellamy? He was supposed to be my slave for the week. I looked around the cafeteria and stopped as I saw him at the other cheerleader table. That same blonde was sitting on his lap kissing him while the other twirled their hair and gave him flirty looks. Luke nudged my knee with his and I snapped out of my gaze. It's the second time he helped avert my attention today.

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