Chapter 53 | Coffee Break

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"Well, well, well, look who we have here." Trish, a tall skinny girl brunette blocked my way and smirked at me. Her hands were folded against her chest and her hip was jutted out. She always thought she looked intimidating like this.

"Hey, Teresa. Long time no see." I said nonchalantly.

I easily hit a nerve.

"It's Trisha " She corrected as her friends snickered. "Seems like your drug addiction is really messing with your brain."

"So your dad does keep you up to date with what his clients. Nothings better than taking over the family business." I patted her arm and smiled. Then turned to Keith. "Let's find a table."

Keith was glaring at Trisha and I noticed his fists were clenched tightly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, dragging him away from her. Just as we were about to sit someone called my name. I groaned at turned around.

"Blake, I'm sorry. That was very rude of me and you know I'm a bitch. I'm sorry." Trisha fumbled with her words and I gave her a look. What was wrong with her? One minute she was trying to degrade me and the next she said this.

My question was immediately answered when she stepped aside and revealed Trace. His smirk looked as murderous as ever. Keith stepped in front of me, glaring at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with?" I hissed at him. Everyone in the small coffee shop was staring at us and I knew he was just giving them drama that they craved. I never was a fan of Trisha but I hated what he was forcing her to do. "It's okay, Trisha. I was just messing around with you."

She didn't say anything to me. Instead she looked at Trace and after he grunted at me, his signaled her to go. People obviously wanted a full blown fight scene as they reluctantly went back to what they were doing when Trisha walked back to her table.

Now we had to deal with Trace.

"Leave." Keith commanded in a low voice. I was glad nobody noticed the tension between us. They just assumed that I was still with Trace.

"That's not how you welcome an old friend." Trace said, flipping his hair from one side to the other. "Where's that little boyfriend of yours?"

I glared at him. "None of your business, asshole."

He stepped dangerously close to me. Keith's shoulder was the only gap between us and he was pushing past it. "Need I remind you to watch that stupid mouth of yours, Jane."

"Don't you fucking call me that!" I shouted at his and my fist connected with his cheekbone.

He tried to hit me back but Keith was already on him. A few guys intervened as I watched Keith push Trace to the ground and repeatedly hit him. I wasn't surprised when those guys turned out to be a part of Trace's gang. They pulled Keith off of him and just as I was going to launch myself at one of them someone held me in my place. I tried to wiggle out but my attempts were pathetic.

"Calm down. We don't have to make a scene." Trace said as he stood up and dusted himself. Two guys held Keith in place to keep him from attacking Trace again. "I just came to say hi, no need to get all worked up." He said loud enough for everyone in the coffee shop to hear. Everyone remained frozen as they watched us.

"You're right, lets take this else where." Keith suggested. I shook my head furiously but neither one of the two boys looked at me. They glared at each other and held an incredibly intimidating stance.

I elbowed the person holding me and he groaned before letting me go. I rushed over to Keith and held his arm, tugging on it so he would look at me. "Don't do it. You know he plays dirty."

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