Chapter 52 | Caught...

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I really don't think before I speak or do. And I also wasn't a good listener either because despite an entire night of Keith trying to tell me otherwise, I still ended up in a plane beside him and we were going back to the place I once called home.

"Princess, you don't have to do this." Keith said for the millionth time. I sent him a glare. "Fine, but it's going to be alright."

"Do you think he would want to see me?" I asked him.

"Of course, he would. You're his daughter." I nodded my head at him.

He was right, he had to be. It was almost going to be a year since my dad passed away and I was still too guilty and caught up with the things I did to face reality. I near I wasn't ready for this but I had to do it. I was independent and I had to prove myself.

"Can you come to his grave me with? You can go back to the car if things are uncomfortable for you. I just don't want to walk in there alone." I said as I looked at Keith.

Keith smiled and took my hand in his. "I won't be uncomfortable. I'm here for you." He said and kissed my knuckles. I smiled back at him and rested my head against the window as I closed my eyes.

Keith had a friend pick us up from the airport. I almost forgot that he lived there some time ago. My aunt was currently using the house my dad left behind and I managed to convince my mom to let me stay in a hotel since I didn't want to meet my aunt. I didn't hate her, but I didn't like her either and I left it at that.

Once we reached our hotel I went to my room and Keith dropped his bags in his own before leaving to rent a car. I suggested using Uber but he said it was too much trouble. After everything that happened between me and Bellamy, I didn't feel like arguing with anyone so I quietly nodded at whatever he said until he was gone.

I opened my suitcase and fished out all the candy I brought with myself. I ate more than half my stash before I heard a knock on my door. I reluctantly got up and opened it. Keith smiled as he played with the keys in his hand. "Ready to go?"

I nodded my head and quickly picked up my purse and put on my shoes. I followed Keith to the parking and scrunched my nose up in disgust when I saw what we were riding.

"I should've listen to you." He sighed and opened the door of the bright green car. "I feel like Mr. Fucking Bean." He said as he started the engine.

I laughed and nodded my head. "Bean, Sabine." I mocked and repeated for a while. We only turned I few corners until Keith slapped his hand against my mouth.

"Stop it already!" He laughed.

"Okay, okay. I'll stop." I mumbled and laughed as I pulled his hand away. There was something so much fun in annoying Keith. "You know this is exactly how I feel when you and Natasha fight."

Keith chuckled as he shock his head. "What about now?" He asked and I noticed he parked in front of the cemetery.

I took a deep breath and bit my lip. "I need to move on Keith. I'm ready to."

I don't how long we were there but the sun had set when I decided to leave. I was clinging onto Keith for support as we walked out of the cemetery. Many tears were shed and many confessions had been made but I felt a weight lift off my chest. When we sat in the car, Keith handed me a bottle of water from his backpack that was lying in the backseat. I had hiccups from sobbing and I almost downed the entire bottle before realizing that he was probably thirsty too. I stopped and passed the bottle to him, he smiled and thanked me before drinking from it himself.

I rested my head back and massaged my temples. I had a slight headache and I was out of energy. I turned to Keith again. He was fiddling with the cap of the water bottle. "Can we get food? I'm starving."

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