Chapter 28 | The Longest Day

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Jealousy or heartbreak? If it weren't winter, I would be in the garden plucking petals off flowers like "Am I jealous or am I not?"

The hangover from that party I went to a few days ago was incredible but not worse than the events. I vaguely remember passing out on the dance floor and I cringe at the memory of me trying to pole dance and epically failing because of how drunk I was.

But that wasn't what made me upset. There were two things, being kicked out of the play and seeing Bellamy kiss another girl. I really just want to talk about Bellamy because it's hurting me more. The only problem was, I wasn't ready to admit my feelings to anyone. Brianna and Eliza left for a cheerleading competition which could be extended because of the weather. I would tell Natasha but she clearly wants me to get with Keith. She was really straight forward about it. Keith knows, but I'm not ready to talk to him or Bellamy yet.

I thought maybe me and Bellamy were getting somewhere, he asked me to the party afterall, so where did I go wrong?

As I strolled down the hallway, I checked my phone. Since the party, Keith had been blowing up my phone with calls but not a single text or call from Bellamy. I turned my phone on silent because I figured the moment he wakes up, he'll call me again.

The doorbell rang and when I opened the door, I was surprised to see my friends standing there. I greeted Chris And Harry inside. I stopped when I realized there was a line behind them, starting with Luke who gave me an apologetic smile and strutted inside my house. I snapped my head back when Natasha hugged me ever so tightly while making squeaking sounds, she had her days. Then two boys tried to enter.

"No." I said before attempting to close the door. I cursed when Keith put his foot in the doorway.

"My dearest princess, please stop ignoring me." He put a hand on his heart with a dramatic expression before showing me his puppy dog eyes.

I looked over his shoulder to Bellamy who looked like he'd been dragged here.

I didn't know kissing someone's cousin was such a big deal, especially if you're totally out of your senses.

My gaze met Keith's again. "Get in before you freeze my house." I said before leaving them.

I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water. I was surprised to see Luke standing there, almost waiting for me.

"How are you doing?" he asked as I sat. "Good, you?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry, I can't justify my actions." He said.

I cleared my throat. "I kissed Keith. That day, but then I stopped and when I thought we could possibly do it again, I came to you."

"I figured, he really hates me." He chuckled. "Yea, he's a weirdo." I joined in.

"I was actually going to come. I didn't want to ditch you." I told him as I sipped the warm liquid.

"I wish you did but now that I think about it, you deserve a lot better than some player who can't ever get his shit together." He said bitterly.

I placed my hand on his when I saw the look on his face and the sad emotion in his eyes.

"You deserve the best too and you'll find her. Don't be so hard on yourself." I retreated my hand as he looked at it for a while.

"I promise I'll be a better friend than boyfriend." We laughed and left the kitchen. To say the others were surprised to see us was an understatement but they quickly caught on.

"Let's take the party downstairs." I told them.

I felt someone poke my arm and I turned to face Bellamy. "We need to talk." He said.

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