Chapter 21 | Kisses

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The alarm went off signaling it was 7 A.M. on a Monday morning. I cursed under my breath as I was awoken from my slumber. My plan of sleeping away the tiredness wasn't going to as planned and before I could procrastinate on going to school, mom barged into my mom pulling me out of bed.

"Exams are coming up and the school won't excuse any more absences from you! I made chocolate muffins for breakfast, so get ready sweetie," she said planting a small kiss on my forehead.

After yesterday's lunch with the team I had a talk with mom. She tried and I tried to come to some conclusion but that didn't really happen. Dad raised me in his own way which made me a perfect daughter in his eyes and for mom, Brianna was everything.

I stepped out of the shower and decided to wear something warm today. The chilly weather was getting harsh now and snowfall was expected by the next week. A bit late considering December was just around the corner.

I slipped on a pair of brown Ugg's with high waisted blue jeans and a fuzzy white sweater that loosely hung around my shoulders. I didn't realize how slow I was until I heard Brianna honking the horn in the driveway. I packed a few muffins roughly in a container and nearly forgetting my back pack as I got in the car.

"How much more sleep do you need?" Brianna asked driving down the road. "Don't question my sleep and turn the music down so I can nap one last time." I said getting comfy in the passenger seat.

Obviously, my sister would blast Coldplay loud knowing that I can't resist not singing along and fangirling over the lyrics.

When we reached school, I shoved the muffins in my backpack since I didn't get a chance to eat them. I frantically skipped over to Luke with a grin on my face.

"There's my favorite dancer!" he said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back laughing. Luke actively cheered me on during the performance so much so that the managing team had to pull him to the side to calm him down and explain the ethics of watching theatre performances.

"Hey Jane," A familiar voice called out before engulfing me in a side hug.

"Hey guys," I waved at everyone around me as we stood by our cars. "You finally noticed us." Eliza joked causing me to roll my eyes at her.

"Let's do the walk!" I exclaimed before straightening myself and puffing out my hair a bit. I tugged each arm around Bellamy and Luke's and motioned them to walk to the building. This one thing will never get old. I loved the way everyone was intimidated by us. Especially when I had either the quarterback or Basketball Captain with me always. "You're in a good mood today," Bellamy said as he waited for me to get my books from my locker. The hallway was practically empty now considering two bells had rung.

"Coldplay does this to me," I said looking up and holding a hand to my chest, sighing as a visualized Chris Martin singing.

"Anyways, we're going somewhere today." he said as he shut my locker.

"I have to study. I'm behind on every subject," I frowned.

"We're going tonight," He stated much louder. "You can study or whatever after school."


Just as I took a step further his arm wrapped around my waist lifting me and pulling him into his chest. His breath prickling on the curve of my neck. "I'm not asking," He said whispered into my ear before releasing me. I turned around to face him. My eyebrows furrowed as I pouted, my arms automatically folding across my chest.

"I hate you," was all I could say as I looked into his big brown eyes. His features softened from the usual bad boy look he had. A smile played on his as I spoke. I felt my cheeks warm up and I instantly took it as my cue to leave. These days I had to try hard to hold back a blush. He was doing things to my body that I never felt before.

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