Chapter 23 | Spill It

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Mandy let out a string of curse words as Luke laughed at her. I wish I hit her hard enough but I didn't do enough damage to make her nose bleed. Nevertheless she clutched onto it tightly while binding down. My rubbed my hand over the one I used to punch her.

"You sick animal!" Mandy cried out while Luke laughed like a crazy person. "Relax, I didn't do any damage!" I rolled my eyes at her behavior.

"Bellamy! don't something! This psychopath hit me!" she pointed her finger at me and glared at me. My gaze set on Bellamy who wore a smirk on his face. He shrugged in response and walked away.

Mandy turned her head towards him and called him out but he waved his hand at her dismissively and kept walking.

"I'll get back at you bitch!" She snapped. "I'd
like to see you try," Luke intimidatingly stood in front of me. She grunted and trailed behind Bellamy.

"What was that all about?" Luke questioned once the hallway was clear.

I did not have a logical explanation for my doing.

"Sorry, she's just getting on my nerves." I leaned into his side as his arm went around my shoulder. "I just hope I don't get into trouble for this." I sighed.

"Knowing her, she'll get back at you the same way. You're sticking with me all the time now and keep your hands to yourself." he pecked my lips as we started to walk out of the building.

"Do I have a choice?" I stood on my tippy toes to plant a kiss on his lips.

By home time everyone from our circle of friends knew what I did and while Brianna and Eliza praised me, Chris tried to lecture me on how violence isn't the answer or something. Brianna also showed Natasha my previous fight with Mandy and i'm sure she sent it to her too. I rolled my eyes at the girls as they commented on my fight. I was more focused on joining Harry on his pranks since he thought I was capable of helping him out now.


Two days past by and except for the glares Mandy and her minions sent my way everything seemed normal. Whatever she had with Bellamy seemed to dissolve too because they had the slightest bit of connection now or so Chris said. I didn't know if he was with someone else but I tried not to focus on it anyway but it was heard when someone kept pressing on the matter.

"For someone who has a boyfriend, you really don't care about him." Chris kept up this topic for twenty minutes now. I sighed and switched through the books I found in the library.

"It's my choice who I give a shit about."

"True, but you give more shits about Bellamy. You're more alert when we talk about him and even when he's there, you pay attention to whatever he's doing. It's weird how no one else notices. Heck, I'm sure that necklace has something to do with him. You always wear it and sometimes to start playing around with it. Well, mostly when Bellamy is the topic." He whispered from across the small table we were sitting at.

Damn was he observant. Do I really play with my necklace? I like it too much to not wear it. It's beautiful. "Stop making weird things up now. You're just assuming things. I'm with Luke, okay?" I tossed some skittles into my mouth which I snuck in from the creepy librarian.

"Blake, you know what I'm trying to say. There's no logical reason why you're doing this." He argued. The librarian gave us a deathly glare making us scowl at her.

"Chrissy, I don't know what you're talking about." I stood up and marched out of the library. He definitely isn't helping me get over anyone.

I caught myself holding onto the pendent around my neck. It's obviously psychological since Chris put that in my head.

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