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After I struggled through putting on a bra with my back wounds, and I had all my clothes on, Dante and I left Sapphire to go back to sleep and he led me outside of the castle, down a path.

I had no clue why we were outside, but it was freezing. I rubbed my arms as I continued to follow him.

"The dungeons are all the way back here. The builders of this castle thought it would be better to keep dangerous people away from the palace. But they're right under the security compound, so it works." He explained, just as I saw lights up ahead. We continued for a little bit more until we reached the security compound.

We entered, and I glanced around. There were guards all over, most were resting, but some were eating, and some were watching security cameras.

One of the guards in the living room looked over to us and finally noticed we had entered.

"Hey, Alpha, Luna. What do you guys need?" He asked as he jogged over to us.

I cringed at the title. I wasn't a Luna. I could never even be a Luna.

"We need to go see Batilda. And I also need something for her to write on and write with."

The guard raised his eyebrow, staring at me. "Yes, of course. Is the Luna going down with you?"

Dante exhaled, running his fingers through his hair. "Yes, she managed to convince me."

A whoop came from the other room. "Luna Badass, taking control!" Laughter followed the whoop, and a couple other guys repeated the cheer. My arms wrapped tighter around myself.

The guard in front of us nodded. "I'll go get a few more guys to accompany you two, then. And I'll grab that other thing." He flashed a smile and walked off into the other room. I stood awkwardly with the prince, waiting for him to return.

The guard returned almost immediately, with four other buff men, and a clipboard in his hand.

"There you are. The pen is at the top. Be careful." He instructed, and with a nod, he went back into the living room.

Dante looked at me. "You ready?" I nodded, wanting to get this over with. I just needed the address. She had to at least give me that.

Dante motioned to the guards, who walked down a long hallway, allowing us to follow. We followed them down a couple flights of stairs, until we were way underground. My back hurt with each step, but I knew if Dante knew that, he'd make me leave and I'd never get a chance to talk to Batilda.

When we finally reached the bottom, I was ready to fall back asleep. I had only gotten a couple of hours earlier before I woke up again.

One of the guards punched in a code to the lock on the door, and then he had to unlock another door, but then we were in. We walked down the long corridor, the inmates in closed cells peering through the small glass window in their doors to stare at us. Dante's hand found the small of my back and he led me forward. We stopped at the door at the very end of the hallway, and the guard had to unlock three different locks to finally be able to get the door open.

Dante glanced over at me before we entered. "We can still leave. We can leave at any time. Okay?" I internally rolled my eyes, but I nodded to him. I was still holding my clipboard.

The guard opened the door, and Dante walked in first. I followed.

Batilda was laying on the cement ground, her gray hair splayed across the dirty ground, with her eyes closed but her lips curled in a devious snarl.

The Luna CureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang