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I despised that I recognized the landscape around us. It was as familiar as Max, and his warm presence, and his deep, kind voice. It hurt. Everything about this caused my heart to ache, because this was how it was supposed to be. And it was all robbed from me.

Goddess, this was a horrible experience.

I was slightly worried Max was lying to me and he'd take me back to my family home instead of wherever Dante was, but my fears were soothed when we pulled up in front of a large building. Someone came around the car and opened the door for Max, taking his keys, and we all got out.

I walked over to Max, a little confused. He responded by pushing me towards the doors. "Paparazzi. Go."

My eyebrows raised, just as I saw two black vans pull up behind where Max's car had been. I wasted no time rushing into the hotel, sliding between the weird circulating door and pushing my way in. I was so focused on the odd door that I didn't even look where I was going and ran straight into someone.

"Shit!" The man muttered as I collided right into him.

I squeaked slightly, almost falling backwards, and his arms grabbed mine to steady me.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, and noticed his arms didn't leave me.

"Are you alright, darlin'?" He asked. He had a warm accent I had never heard before. His warm hands, still on me.

I stepped back out of his hold, nodding. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Stop apologizin'." His accent was very thick, and hard to ignore. "It's a pleasure to run into anyone as gorgeous as you."

My eyes widened. The man truly was handsome, yes, and I'm sure in any other incidence—meaning not being mated to the prince and not being terrified of any sort of relationship—he would be seen as a desirable man. Not as desirable or handsome as Dante, but certainly attractive.

"Uh, I wasn't looking where I was going, and I'm sorry I ran into you." I looked around the tall blond, but saw only a busy lobby, with people scurrying all over. I had no clue where Dante was, and I wasn't about to run into a sea of more strangers to find him. Where was Max?

"I'm sure giving me your number will fix all that up." He said, his voice warm.

"Huh?" I shook my head, focusing back on the man, and not on everything else. "What number?"

He laughed. "Alright, alright. Maybe just your Snap then? Or instagram?"

My eyebrows rose even higher. "What?" I glanced behind me to see bright flashes from outside the door, but still no Max. Goddess, I had this man talking to me in a foreign language and I was all alone.

"Are you alright, love?"

"Uh, yea." I couldn't go back outside, and I didn't want to go any further into the mess that was this hotel. And I had no clue where to find Dante.

"What's your name?"

"Me?" I asked, letting my eyebrows drop back down.

He nodded, laughing. "Yes. I'm Clay Turner."

"I, um—" was too focused on how to get out of this horrible situation in that I'm alone and confused and with a man who wants to talk to me.

"Princess!" Venice yelled, her hand in her fathers as she jumped up. "You should've been there for the pictures!" She giggled. I noticed Max had one dark eyebrow raised at me, but he said nothing.

Oh, no. I very much realized that I was still very close to this man, Clay, and this probably looked absolutely wrong to Max. Shoot.

Immediately stepping away from him, I grimaced. "Once again, really sorry I ran into you."

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