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dedicated to bobmartin1212 because no one hypes me and this book up more <3

My skin was still buzzing with warmth from the shower some time later as I brushed my hair in the immaculate bathroom. I wore an incredibly fluffy towel wrapped around me, but I was long dry and my hair was growing less damp as I brushed it.

I had spent maybe ten minutes inspecting this insane space, the three room suite for an Alpha that doesn't even live in this huge pack house. It seemed Dante had some sort of sitting room, modestly sized and decorated-it must not be used often-that connected to an office, with only a desk, chair, and a couple bookcases, although the room had space for a lot more furniture. Finally, the grand bedroom sat on the other side of the foyer from the other rooms, and it was the only room of the three that actually reflected the decor I was used to with Dante. An enormous bed took up the center of the room, pressed against the wall opposite the huge, fold open windows that led to a small balcony that did indeed have a spectacular view of the pack grounds.

I might've spent half my time inspecting the space just staring out those windows, looking down at the enormous expense of field, covered in wolves getting the grounds prepared for the fight tonight. They all had serious expressions, even if this was supposed to be an easy fight.

But the fighting just made me think of Magnus and his clear knowledge of me, and that made me feel sick to my stomach and angry at Dante at the same time, so I stopped those thoughts and quickly rushed into the shower.

And now I was here, brushing my hair like it mattered if it was a rat's nest or presentable, like I mattered in this huge place. I definitely needed to stay under the radar here, because I was completely uncomfortable around all these important wolves. It was more of Dante wasting other people's time with me, and I was really tired of it.

After brushing the same side of my head for longer than I needed to, I sighed audibly, setting the brush down.

I quickly changed, and then glanced around. I could go back down and do whatever, but I liked hiding out in here. No one else was here, and besides the few people in that office, no one else knew of my existence yet. At least, as far as I knew. Dante could have told his whole pack I was coming with him without my knowledge, but I doubted it.

I went back into the grand bedroom, wanting nothing more than to sleep on that beautiful bed, but it was perfectly made. If we weren't staying here, I probably shouldn't mess with that bed and waste the time of whoever made it.

Moving on, I drifted into the sitting room area. It was pretty, with big couches and chairs, but it lacked any sense of warmth. This room must never be used.

A huge television sat on the wall across from the largest couch. I didn't even glance around for the remote, simply sinking into the lone chair in the corner of the room. It was comfy, and I tucked my feet to the side, laying against the arm.

It wasn't yet seven still, and there were still a few more hours to kill before the challenge. Dante would be busy all night, right? I had forgotten what he said, but I wasn't too keen to see him, so if he didn't mention anything about seeing me again before the challenge, I was fine.

So I rested in the chair, and soon found myself growing tired again. That plane ride had messed with my energy levels, and I could do with another nap.

* * *

"Florence. Hey." Dante's smooth voice filtered through my head, and I peeked my heavy eyes open to find his face barely a foot from mine.

I startled immediately, sitting up in the chair and blinking rapidly. "Goddess, did you have to scare me?" Instinctually, my knees folded up into my chest as a barrier between us.

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