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The rest of the drive was spent in Dante trying to make conversation, and me giving dismissive answers. I'm lovely, I know. But I wasn't necessarily in the best mood, and all I wanted to do was crawl back into the library and read books forever. The palace's library was the largest thing I had ever seen, with too many books to even think of. I just wanted to devour them all.

Finally, we pulled onto busier roads, and the buildings got busier and more frequent the more traffic grew. I threw a curious glance at Dante.

"Where are you taking me?"

He tried his best to keep his face neutral. "Oh, now you're up for talking?"

I almost rolled my eyes. "Ha ha."

He raised an eyebrow. "That's the closest I've gotten to hearing a real laugh, too. Today is just full of surprises."

This time, I actually rolled my eyes, and leaned my head against the windows, watching as the buildings turned into a town before my eyes. We were finally in what seemed like a very populated area, with all sorts of people on the sidewalks, and enormous traffic congestion. We were stuck in the midst of it, but Dante didn't seem worried at all.

Neither of us said anything for the next ten minutes, until we drove next to a large, long building, with mostly white walls and a ton of windows. Dante pulled the car over in front of the building, and parked it.

I blinked at him, glancing up at the large banner. Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes. I glanced at Dante again. "You brought me to a museum?"

He nodded, smiling. He reached into the glove compartment in front of me, grabbing a baseball cap and dark sunglasses. "You're going to love it. Nobody is inside, it'll just be us. If you wear this and this jacket," he reached into the backseat and grabbed a dark jean jacket, adding it to the pile in his hands. "And then sunglasses, no camera will recognize you."

I blinked. Goddess, I was surprised. This wasn't a disappointing trip. An art museum sounded exciting. Especially since I was with Dante. No. Snap out of it. I shook my head. "Why is no one inside?"

"Because I had it cleared. Come on," he pushed the items towards me.

Hesitantly, I grabbed the things. "Are there cameras around?"

Dante glanced out the window, before looking back to me. "Yes. A couple cars back. But if you just throw those things on quick, we won't have a huge problem with them."

I gave him a curious look, before giving in, putting on the items. The jacket was large on me, and smelled of Dante. Which wasn't a bad thing. The sunglasses were dark, and the hat was for some team I didn't recognize.

"I feel like this outfit makes me stand out more." I added, stretching my arms out to show just how baggy the jacket was on me. Dante was fit and muscular, and I was still too skinny, so it made sense. I didn't have Dante's buff arms to fill out the jacket.

Dante laughed. "It's about recognizing you. They'll take pictures no matter what." His hand rested on the door, and he got out. Of course, using his wonderful werewolf speed, he was at my door holding it open in a flash. "Come on. It'll be fun."

I gave him a look, but stepped out. The cold air immediately bit at my exposed neck and hands, and I shivered.

Dante closed the door and grabbed my hand, and then we were walking toward the entrance of the museum. The sparks from Dante's hand kept me warm, and I absolutely hated it. He needed to reject me, and he was wasting time, taking me to beautiful museums.

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