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"Dante! Hey, stop walking so fast!"

I stopped, turning around to find my Uncle Lyles walking slowly towards me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I have places to be, old man." But I went towards him anyways.

He huffed, muttering under his breath. "I'm not that old, kid. Stop listening to your dad." I laughed. He extended his hand, and I clasped it in a firm shake.

"Can we have this conversation on the way to my office? I have a meeting like, now."

He made a gesture forwards. "I heard you found your mate." He said as we made our way down the stairs.

I glanced over at him. "My mother told you, I'm guessing?"

He nodded. "But I pried. Besides, she's excited at having another girl in the palace. Your mother didn't tell me much about her." We rounded the corner and walked down another hallway. "You're being rather quiet about her, as well." He observed.

Nodding at him, I agreed. "She isn't very comfortable with everything," I didn't include the fact that she wasn't very comfortable with me, "and I didn't want the world knowing until she was ready. Which might still be for some time." Maybe a long time.

My uncle shrugged. "Do you blame her, though? Ren had problems with becoming my mate, and I was only head warrior. Your mate has to be queen."

There was a moment of silence between us before I responded. "I never blamed her. I know my parents both had problems with it, and I did too. I didn't ask for royalty, and neither did she." Another pause. "But Florence has other things to deal with, and it's too much. I can tell it's too much for her. But I just don't know how to help her."

My uncle was quiet for a while. We were close to my office by now. "Have you asked? Just simply asked her what you can do to help?"

My silence was his answer.

"Don't think too much into it. If you can help her, she'll let you."

"Thank you, Uncle Lyles. I really appreciate it."

He rolled his eyes and shot me a grin. "I'm family. It's what I do."

* * *

Two hours later, after dealing with stacks of paperwork taller than me, I slumped back in my chair with a sigh.

My phone dinged then, and with one eye open, I glanced at the screen.

From: Florence (11:28AM)
You're coming home today, right?

I glanced at the still large pile of paperwork in front of me and groaned.

To: Florence (11:29AM)
I'm afraid it's looking like a no. But I should be there before you wake up tomorrow.

The bubbles popped up, alerting me that she was typing, but then they disappeared. After a moment, they reappeared, and my phone dinged again.

From: Florence (11:32AM)

Oh? What did that mean? I cursed myself for being so confused by her one word response.

To: Florence (11:34AM)
I know. I'm sorry. I wish I was over there.

I hesitated before pressing the send button. What if 'oh' meant that she didn't want me back? What if she was glad I wasn't around to make sure she listened to Doctor Millard, or something?

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