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It was slightly warm for Genoa today, or that's at least what Dante said one of the locals told him. A nice 17°, and with all the walking we were doing, I was very happy it was warmer than usual. The shops were nice and warm, too, so we could always just hop in one of those when the wind brought cold. Currently, that's what we were doing. I was flipping through a rotating display of postcards, not to buy—because I certainly didn't have anyone to send anything to—but just to look at all the pictures.

The bell rang above the door, and feminine gasps disrupted the otherwise quiet store.

"Prince Dante!"

"Oh my goddess!"

My head fell back in a groan as I heard more fans of Dante's rush over, and I was glad Dante was a couple meters away so he could be the focus of all their attention.

I continued flipping through the postcards, hearing Dante give them the same sort of speech he had to all the other groups of girls, sorry to disappoint but I'd really appreciate if you all would just pretend like I'm not here. When that didn't work—which so far, he was 0 for, maybe 6? 7?, he resulted to his other line, I'd hate to have to order your removal. Have a wonderful day. That line was far more successful, and I didn't know why he didn't just lead with it.

Generally, it left the girls trudging away, groaning and moaning about lost love. It brought me beautiful relief and gratitude, because for once, being the most bland looking person I knew—especially near someone like Dante—was absolutely marvelous. I could just do whatever. Unlike Dante, who couldn't even visit a town on the one day of the year when most people aren't out.

This current group, like a few of the previous ones, was determined to not be sent away from the Alpha Prince of all Werewolves, and so when Dante subtly threatened their removal, one of them spoke up.

"But this is meant to be, Prince Dante. I mean, meeting you, here, on the most magical day of the year—"

"Magic isn't always good. I wouldn't use that as a sign for anything." Dante said, and I turned around to find him leaning against the wall as the four—four? It had only sounded like two—beautiful girls surrounded him, nearing closer like sharks to their prey.

I bit back an amused grin at just how annoyed he looked, and returned to looking at the postcards. I spun the display to find a whole new array of shots of Italy, from the ocean to the Vatican to all the other landmarks.

One of the girls spoke up, and her voice was new. "This is definitely the good type of magic." I rounded the display, away from them, and I saw out of the corner of my eye one of them try to place a hand on his bicep.

"Unfortunately, I'm just not feeling it." He slid out of their circle and started walking towards me, and as the posse followed, and I hustled over to another part of the store, not wanting any of that attention.

I must say, this group was far more tenacious than the last, because after that sort of diss from the Prince, the others always left. But for some reason, this only seemed to amp up the energy in these four.

"But Prince Dante, I feel it. I know we're right for each other."

"You and the other three, it seems." Dante continued his leisurely stroll towards me, and I zipped back around a corner. No way was he bringing me into this. He sent me a slight smirk, his eyebrow cocking. "I love the chase, you know."

I knew he was speaking to me because that look was challenging me to keep running, but the other girls were too busy fawning over my mate to recognize this, and instead thought he was speaking to them.

The Luna CureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ