16. Me

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At the next set of traffic lights, Harry turns his body around to face us, before ushering me forward.

"I feel like a chauffeur," he complains. "Jump through," he asks to me, flicking his head back as an invitation.

I carefully climb my way through the space between the driver's seat and passenger seat, though I like to think I've done it a little more gracefully than Harry upon our first meeting.

"This takes me back," he smiles warmly, apparently sharing the same thought process. Although a smile is a small gesture, it's effect is not - it has my tummy doing flips at the thought of a moment only we know, that is just ours. I hope we can make more together.

"So what are we feeling boys?" Harry pipes up, looking through the rear view mirror as he tries to make eye contact with both Liam and Niall. "Hungry?"

"There's this place in South Melbourne I think," Niall begins. "I don't remember the name of it, but sick venue. Rooftop bar and all that."

I tense up in my seat, hoping I go unnoticed. The thought of going out with them in public with all three of them is unnerving, let alone just one. I don't know if I'm ready.

"Or maybe somewhere a little more private..." Harry suggests, and I swear I see his eyes flit away from my direction, almost like he's suggested elsewhere because of reading my body language. "Nobu is always nice. Private room?"

I remain quiet, hoping I can come up with some valid excuse to get me out of the dinner, because I'm just not there yet. I'd like to be, but this is all going a little too fast for me. I only kissed him a matter of hours ago, and I don't want to feel the full brunt of social media hate unless I truly deserve it. But again, it just feels too soon.

"Ava?" Harry softly says my name, bringing me to look at him. "How does Nobu sound to you?"

"Look... I don't know about tonight. I'm not feeling all too well," I lie. "Maybe you could just take me home and I'll see you again soon?"

He nods a couple of times to himself, almost processing what I've said - I'll take it he doesn't hear the word 'no' all that often. He's not mad, or annoyed by any means, but I don't think he expected to hear it from me.

"You're a terrible liar you know," he accuses, smiling out the corner of his mouth.

"What?" I exclaim, overacting further. "I'm not lying," I further defend, turning it down a few notches, but still nonetheless, terrible acting on my part.

"Ava, it's not going to be like how it was at the airport."

"I know... But it'll give you boys a chance to catch up properly. It's fine," I insist.

He inspects me closely, his face full of suspicion.

"Why don't we do something tomorrow instead?" I suggest. "If you're free that is."

I realise this is the first time I've ever initiated a 'date' or catch up with Harry, as he's usually in control of all that. I think mostly I avoided asking to see him because of uncertainty about how he felt about me, but I feel slightly more comfortable with him, and am fairly sure he wants to see me too.

"Tomorrow," he nods, visibly more relaxed.

As Harry pulls into my driveway I look into the backseat to say goodbye to the boys, though Niall has fallen asleep.

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