43. Blending In

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When we arrive home, Niall is in the exact same position as he was when we left the house, only Liam has now joined him, and instead of playing soccer, they're now watching it.

"I forgot this was on," Harry sighs, and I see it in his eyes that he wants to watch it, but he's leaning towards not. Perhaps because of me?

"Harry, you do realise you don't need my permission," I laugh. "I really don't care what we do. I'm a little tired anyways."

"I've told you before, and I'm going to tell you again, but I like this one," Niall comments, without looking away from the television.

"She's alright," Harry replies, before winking cheekily at me.Harry takes his place on the couch and lays flat on his back, head rested on the armrest, while I lay on my stomach on top of him. I rest the side of my face on his stomach, while he rubs my back, and I slip away in a peaceful slumber.


I didn't even realise I had fallen asleep, until I'm startled by all three of the boys yelling at the TV screen.

"Derby played brilliant today," I hear Niall say, "Nottingham Forrest were absolute rubbish."

"Did we win yet?" I mumble.

"Did we wake you, sleepyhead?" Harry asks, craning his neck to look at me, placing a few smooches on my cheek.

"No, its okay. What's the time?" Harry stretches out his arm to check his wristwatch.

"Almost 5," he tells me. "We better get a move on and get ready, I suppose."

I check my phone and see I have a few messages. A couple from Scarlett and I'm surprised to also see Max's name. As soon as I read his name on the screen, my body automatically stiffens, and Harry noticing, places his hand on my back.

"Everything okay?" he checks.

What do I even say?

I don't want to lie, but I also don't want Harry to worry when he has nothing to worry about. However, if experience has taught me anything lately, I've learned it's better to be honest.

"I'm fine, but just a bit bizarre, as Max just messaged me," I answer.

"Oh," he responds and pauses. "What does he want?" he asks, curiosity laden in his voice.

"I'll check," I reply, sliding my finger across the screen to view the message, and read the message aloud.

"Look, I'm sorry I kissed you. I didn't think you'd react in that way.'"

"What are you going to say back?" he asks stiffly.

"I'm not," I reply sharply, putting my phone away to show that I truly don't care about the message. There's a small part of me that appreciates Max's apology, though it's a little late.

I guess it was a nice gesture...

"Is that Max Beaumont you're talking about?" Niall pipes up.

"Yeah, do you know him too?" I ask, unable to keep the interest out of my voice.

"Yeah, stay away from him. He's a prick," he answers.

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