71. Kings Road Chelsea

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I cannot express to you how much it means for you to please vote for my story. It takes less than a second, and it really helps my book to get recognised for the hundreds of hours I've put into writing it. Thank you for absolutely everything 

Twitter: WordsWithGem 
Snapchat: gemma.allan
Instagram: gemma.allan

"I feel like I've forgotten something," I worry aloud as we drive to the airport.

"Well it's definitely not your phone," she laughs. "Oh, and while we're on the topic, do you think you can maybe not throw this one into the ocean like the last one?" she asks, and I can't help but laugh.

It seems like a silly idea to me now, looking back, but Harry leaving me is one of the hardest things I've had to go through. I don't completely trust myself enough to resist calling him when I'm drunk, or in a moment of weakness. I didn't completely think it through, as there is always twitter, but I'm adamant that I'm going to remain strong, and Scarlett has already warned me that if I resort to twitter I will experience her wrath.

Not that I've ever been a big user of twitter, but I do enjoy going through my mentions from time to time and surprised at the amount of support that people have for me at the moment. Most of them are sweet messages about my grandparents, but somehow Harry usually manages to find himself mentioned in them too.

"Such a shitty thing to happen babe! At least you have a Harry to make things all better x"

"I didn't see Harry in any of the pics at the funeral. Are you still together? Can you please follow back too!"

"So Ava Sinclair's grandparents died, but she probably inherited like a zillion dollars and she's dating Harry. She pretty much wins at life. Ugh #notfair"

I close the twitter app on my phone once we've found a parking space, check in, and make our way through to our departure gate. We stop off at a WH Smith store to pick up aeroplane supplies.

I grab some skittles, sour worms, lollipops, Doritos, and some pods before Scarlett grabs my hand.

"I thought we said we would get the essentials," she eyes, judging me.

"These are essential. Shut up," I say, elbowing her.

We walk over to the magazine rack, and my eye catches on a dress that I recognise, before actually realising it's me in the dress.

"Oh shit, it's you," she laughs. "What does it say?"

I flick through the pages of the magazine and fall upon a double spread article emblazoned with the title,

"Australia's Own Heiress."

The article goes on to speculate that I could be potentially inheriting sixteen million dollars.

Scarlett scoffs as she reads that part,

"Oh, if only they knew," she laughs.

It also acknowledges the not so subtle lack of Harry's presence, and it even hints that I've moved on with another attractive man that I have been seen "cuddled up to". When I see the photo, I feel like throwing up my stomach's contents when I see that the man in question is my older brother Brooklyn.

"Oh God I hope that's not true," Scarlett jokes, making a heaving sound. "I don't think I could love you if it were."

"Very funny," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh what bastards!" she announces, "Look here, they're even saying you were using Harry for money." She puts on an annoying voice as she quotes the opinion section of the article,

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