62. The Truth

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Twitter: WordsWithGem 
Snapchat: gemma.allan
Instagram: gemma.allan

In an instant, Harry's face is ashen with worry, and is holding his arm out for me to get up.

"Why don't we go outside?"

"No, I don't feel like moving," I reply, but he seems urgent.

"Sit down Harry," Niall orders, pouring another shot. "Just relax."

Why is he behaving this way?

I scan my eyes over the crowd and my eyes fall upon the person I last expected to see.

Kendall Jenner.

Everything is moving in slow motion and I am broken out of my trance by the shattering of glass, only when I look down, I see that it was my hands the glass slipped through, and the attention of the group is now on me.

"Babe," and I feel an all too familiar hand bringing me closely into his body "Are you okay?" he asks.

"I'm fine," I say, rubbing my forehead. "I think I just need some air," I conclude, now changing my mind completely.

I get up out of my chair and straighten my dress, carefully stepping over the shards of broken glass. I look over in her direction and she is sitting with two other girls, all looking at me in discussion.

Nice one. You could at least pretend to be subtle about the fact that you're talking about me.

I was kind of hoping that she would have some sort of hideous physical anomaly that didn't appear in photographs, but she is stunning in her cutout white halter top and black sequined cropped pants. Her hair is long and sleek, and perfect, and I want to just run away. Harry looks over at her briefly, expression unreadable before we exit through to the outdoor area.

"Harry...Ava!" and my stomach drops to the floor when my eyes fall upon one of the last people I want to see right now.

Well... the second most.

He stands up from his table, opening his arms warmly as if greeting old friends. "Come sit you two."

I feel Harry's body language stiffen, but we walk over with heavy feet, and sit down at his table. To his right is a stunning brunette with a perfectly tanned complexion, and long white silk gown that draped over her lean figure.


"Meet Rebecca," he introduces, drawing in from his cigarette. A habit I've always despised, but can't deny how attractive he is in doing it.

I feel a sharp twang in my chest as I now meet the girl he has spoken of previously, and ignore any possibility in my mind that it is out of jealousy. Harry nods and I mumble a shitty attempt at a hello. This is no time for being polite considering the circumstances. I have exited a room from Kendall, only to run into Max, who has not only had a history of worming his way into Harry and I's relationship, but he also has some kind of dark past with Harry. Only Harry doesn't exactly know that I now know this.

What I would do to be anywhere but here.

I am trying to determine in my mind which situation is worse – being inside with Kendall, or here with Max, and am having trouble until Max makes it incredibly easy for me.

Pretty Please Don't Pinch MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon