58. Caught

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Dinner is overall very relaxed and casual which is what I desperately need after my crazy day of travelling. We all sit on the floor, leaned up against the couches. I lean back in between Harry's legs, skillfully swatting his chopsticks away with my own when he leans in to try to take some of my chicken.

"Harry!" Gemma yells at her brother, "You chose the beef, let her eat her chicken!"

"Well I've changed my mind then, haven't I?" he replies, and I roll my eyes and hold out my Chinese takeaway box to trade with him.

"That's where you went wrong Ava," Gemma points out, "You should never give in to him so easily."

"Oh don't you worry – I know all about that," I laugh, "I only had a few small pieces left anyway. I think it's pretty clear who came out on top," and I turn my head around and pull a cheeky grin at Harry who crinkles his nose and mouth in a little frown before kissing me quickly, and purposely on the mouth.

I offer to help Anne clear up with the few dishes to which she declines, but I do so anyway.

"I forgot to do that box thing," Harry says, grunting as he gets up off the floor.

"What are you talking about?" Gemma asks, rolling her eyes at his vagueness.

"You know," he says, clicking his fingers toward me and trying to remember. "The phone box thing rule."

"Oh, the dreaded Phone Box," I laugh. "Sunday dinner we have a rule that dinner time is family time, and Mum was sick of us all being on our phones, so we all put our phones aside, and the first one to check it has to clear up."

"That's not actually a bad idea," Anne says, while in thought.

"Yeah, we should start something like that," Gemma suggest, to which Harry snorts in laughter.

"Why would you even agree to that? You're the worst one out of us all," Harry laughs, shaking his head.

"You are dreaming," she replies, pausing after each word for emphasis. "You're always on yours. Mum, who's worse out of Harry and I?"

"Stop your arguing, you're both as bad as each other!" Anne snaps at them, ceasing the bickering. "Sorry Ava, are your brother and sister as bad as this at home?" she asks me as she wipes down the countertop.

"Probably worse," I laugh, half joking.

"So, Scrabble?" Harry suggests, changing the subject and holding up the box.

"We are not playing Scrabble," Gemma sighs.

"But we always play Scrabble when Harry's home," Anne replies.

"Exactly. But I have the great liberty of playing it when he isn't here too," she sarcastically points out. "And if I have to play it one more time I think I'll implode," she sharply adds.

Much to Gemma's dismay, the Scrabble board is set out on the dining table and we all take a seat at each side – Robin unknowingly sitting out as he has fallen asleep in his armchair.

Harry starts off the game upsetting everyone by adding the word "qi" – knowing that he could technically get away with it, and that it would simultaneously piss us all off. Double bonus for Harry.

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