51. Not Soon Enough

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Opening my eyes, I'm instantaneously happy, which is a welcoming change from my usual attitude in the morning. More often than not, I awake disorientated, with just one desire - more sleep. Instead, both my body and mind are both gratified and well rested despite the obvious lack of sleep as I lay here on his warm chest. It's not long before I'm surely reminded that our time here is fleeting, and soon we'll be saying our mournful goodbyes.

Why can't he just stay?

I could never, and would never ask him to stay, though I can't seem to dull the selfish thoughts that play out in my mind. Why can't he just be someone unknown? Perhaps a handsome stranger I met in a coffee shop, or a park - not someone who I found hiding from his teenage fans. But then again, if that were the case, he might not be the Harry that I know today.

I sometimes wonder how much he's changed - if he's changed at all that is, and if he'll continue to change in future. Maybe I'll ask his parents when I meet them.


It definitely has crept up on me that I'll be meeting his family, and it seems like it's only just occurred to me all of a sudden, but everything has moved particularly fast for us. Before I know it, I'll be with him in his home country in London, meeting his family in person. He speaks highly of them all, but it's essential that they like me. I know he has the same family values that I uphold, and I need to make a good first impression.

Craning my head up to look at him, he truly is a vision as sunlight streams through the window, highlighting his chiseled features. His beautifully strong jaw, deliciously creamy skin, and rose hued lips, I want his image to be the last that I ever see. Almost as though he senses a pair of eyes on him, he stirs, eyes fluttering open to reveal his gorgeously green set of eyes.

"What are you doing my love?" he asks, voice husky with sleep.

My love...

Those two words in that particular arrangement cause my heart to stir and it takes me a moment to compose myself and answer.

"I'm trying to memorise how you are right now, especially for when I don't have the liberty of waking up with you tomorrow," I tell him honestly.

"Oh, don't tell me you're getting all soppy on me now," he smiles, kissing me on the forehead, and bringing me in more closely to him. "You'll be with me soon enough," he reminds me.

"Soon enough isn't soon enough though," I whine.

"I know," he replies, and strokes the side of my face in a soothing manner.

"You're not even gone yet and I already miss you," I admit.

"It's okay," he consoles, "Let's just enjoy my last day here."

"You're right," I say, making an effort to sound more cheerful. We just need to make the most of our time left together, especially as we don't exactly know when the next time his schedule will allow him to come back here to Australia.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day while you still have me here?" he queries, laying on his side.

I can think of a few things.

"Stay here forever with you," I decide with a sense of certainty.

"As much as I would love to stay in bed all day, we have things to do."

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