Chapter 2 : Jade's POV

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Once we're done with the tents and our stuff, we went to see Sikowitz who had to explain us what he wanted us to do.

"Okay so girls, you'll cook the dinners and boys you'll do the lunches. Sounds good to you?" he asked

Everybody nods, it's not like we have a choice!

"What about you?" Tori asked "Won't you cook?"

"I don't need to since I only drink coconut juice!"

Wait, this man never eats? He just drinks his coconuts all day? I always knew that he is weird but not to this point! Anyway, I'll have to cook which is a thing I've never done ... But since Vega will be with me, this little miss perfect will do it! And if she wants me to help her, I can always poison her food! That's a good idea! I know what you are saying 'Oh Jade might be mean but I'm sure she'll never dare to kill Tori!' You're right, I don't want her to die, at least for the moment. But if I can make her sick for the rest of the trip, it could be fun!

"Oh and I want you to learn some things during these holidays so I'll ask you to do some acting exercises" he explained

Of course, he had to make us do strange exercises even during holidays!

"Okay so someone is going to pick up a character for each of you and you're going to stay in it from 10 am to 8 pm tomorrow. The last one still in character will have to choose seomeone to do the washing up for the rest of the holiday!" he said happily

"That's not fair if we have a weird character we'll be punished for the rest of the holiday!" Cat exclaimed

"That's the aim of the exercise Cat, you'll have to concentrate!"

"Okay so who choose for who?" I asked

"Hmmm... Cat you'll choose for Jade, Jade for Tori, Tori for Andre, Andre for Beck, Beck for Robbie and Robbie for Cat! You'll have all the afternoon to think about which character you want the other to be and you'll tell us during dinner. The exercise will begin tomorrow!" he said proudly

Very good choice for once Sikowitz! Me choosing for Vega will be fun and I'll make sure that she'll do the washing up! Plus, Cat's choice won't be very hard to handle, I'm pretty sure that she'll choose a pet or something like that.

Sikowitz went back to sipping his coconut in his tent, we left him alone and went back in our tents as well. The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. I thought, read a little and watched Vega and Cat cook dinner. Soon enough it was time for us to tell the characters we has chosen for the acting exercise.

"So Tori! Tell us what André is going to be!" Sikowitz shouted once we were sat around the table

"Well, André is going to be a sheriff with pink clothes and a very weird Spanish accent"

"Okay, I think I'll have to borrow some of Cat's clothes then!" he laughed

Tori and Cat giggled. I have to admit that seeing André in Cat's clothes will be fun. For once in her life Vega had a good idea! You're right that's not exactly the truth but anyway ...

I didn't listen to the other's characters because it's really not interesting. But when Sikowitz called Cat's name, my attention was caught. So which pet am I going to be?

"So Jade is going to be a very kind farmer who never say something mean to anyone and who also have a magic unicorn with her!" she shouted excitedly

Okay, I was almost right, I am not the magic unicorn but I still have one with me ... This exercise will be more difficult than I thought it will be because I don't know if I'll be able to be kind and pleasant with everyone (including Vega and Robbie) during the whole day!

I was brought back to reality when Sikowitz called my name for me to tell them which character Tori's gonna be

"Okay so Tori will be ..."

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