Chapter 4 : Jade's POV

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"Jade! It's time to wake up!" I heard Cat shout

"Cat! Out! Right now!" I yelled

I didn't specially intend to yell at her but I hate being woken up by someone shouting at me.

"Okay..." she said with a pout "But you better be ready in half an hour so we can begin Sikowitz's exercise"

Shit! I have forgotten this fucking acting exercise... I'll have to be a fucking farmer with a magic unicorn for the rest of the day if I don't want to do the washing up for the rest of the holidays (if we can call them holidays...) Anyway, it'll be fun 'cause Vega will have to be mean to everyone and I doubt that this little miss perfect is able to let at least one insult out of her perfect lips! Whoa, what did I just say?! Okay time to get ready!

"3...2...1...Get in your characters!" Sikowitz shouted

Okay, beginning of the hell...

"So, I want to change the rules a little, to convince you to stay in your characters as long as possible, I decided that the last person in character will choose who'll do the washing up! Clear for everyone?" He asked

Why does he always want to change the rules he made? He is really a strange man but anyway, at least if Vega doesn't break character first, I can be the last and choose her! That's a good idea in fact!

"No answer? I'll take that at a yes! So, you're at the beach and someone ask to go to the sea. Get ready!"

We laid down on the floor, like we're on the sand at the beach

"And... Action!" he shouted

"Hey my friends! Does anyone want to come with me to the sea?" Andre asked with his strange Spanish accent

"Yeah!" Cat shouted

"Are there fishes in this sea? If there are I'm in!" Beck yelled

" . .you" Robbie said, in a robot voice, pausing between every words

"What about you little farmer?" he asked, turning at me

"Of course, I'd be very happy to join you!" I answered, taking a kind and sweet voice "Can my unicorn come with us?"

"Yes! A unicorn!" Cat shouted, really excited

"And you, Jade? Do you want to come?" he asked, turning at Tori

"NO!" she yelled

Okay, that was the easy part, everybody know that I'd say that

"Let's go then!"

We got up (except Tori) and walked to the "sea"

"It's cold!" Cat shouted

" . .cold" Robbie replied, mimicking to enter the water (AN: I don't know if it's the good syntax but I think you'll understand anyway)

"Robbie, you're out! A robot cannot go into the water!" Sikowitz interrupted "I already told you, you need to learn a lot of things on robots!"

"But I'm a waterproof robot! It's a new technology!" Robbie answered, trying to stay in the exercise

"Did Beck say it was waterproof? I don't think so, you're out!" he replied

Robbie pouted and sat down on a chair with Rex. Now he has to wait until the end of this fucking exercise

"Hey! I have an idea!" I exclaimed with my sweet voice "My magic unicorn can warm up the water so we can go in!"

"That's a good idea!" Cat exclaimed "Can your unicorn catch some butterflies for my collection?"

"Sure, just tell her which color you want!" I answered

"Blue, green and yellow!"

I handed her the "butterflies" and she walked back to where Tori was to put them in a "box"

"Andre you're out!" Sikowitz interrupted again "Collecting the butterflies is forbidden, a sheriff cannot let people do that without saying anything!"

"Since when catching butterflies is forbidden?" he asked, shocked

"Now! You're out!"

He didn't argue with him, that was useless so he joined Robbie and Rex.

"Since you two, hmm three are out, you can begin to prepare the lunch" Sikowitz said, turning to them

"But that's not fair! Beck has to come help us!" Robbie exclaimed

"Right, Beck you're out too, you have to help them!" Sikowitz said

Beck sighed but walked away anyway. We're just 3 left now, Tori, Cat and me. Winning against Cat should be easy so I'll try to eliminate Tori at first!

"Hey Jade!" I called "Do you want to have a ride on my unicorn?"

"Who are you to think that you have a real unicorn? Is your name Cat?" she threw back

"What was that supposed to mean?" Cat asked, shocked

"Cat you're out!" Sikowitz interrupted for the third time

She walked away, angry

"Little redhead! I'm sorry for what this girl said but I'm sure she didn't want to be mean to anyone!" I reassured her "Do you want to play with my unicorn?"

"Sure, I'd love to!" she answered, happy again

Okay, that's a good thing, Cat is in a good mood again and I don't have to deal with this stupid unicorn anymore! What can I do next? Think, Jade! Think! You cannot loose against Vega! Coffee! Tori hate coffee but I love it, I have to try this

"Hey you!" I called using the sweet voice "Do you want a cup of coffee?"

"If you don't want to have Mr Scissor in your throat, you'd better stay away from me and don't talk to me again!" she shouted, taking my favorite pair of scissors out of her skirt.

Wait, MY pair of scissors?!

"How did you do that?! I had them in my boots this morning!" I yelled at her

"Jade, the real one, you're out! You broke character!" Sikowitz exclaimed

What? I lost against Tori fucking Vega?! This little bitch is going to pay for that! She took my favorite pair of scissors and on top of that, she made me lost the exercise! Now I'm sure that I'll have to do the washing up! I knew I should have stayed at home...

"Okay, so Tori I think you know that you won" Sikowitz said "So, you'll tell us who'll have to wash up at the end of the lunch! Make a good choice!"

"Oh I will!" she answered with a smirk

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