Chapter 14 - Cat's POV

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Those holidays are the best I've ever had! I mean of course I love being on holiday with my family, that's almost the only time we look like a real family, united and happy but being with your best friends in the world is just soooo cool! We can do whatever we want (almost) and we don't even have to follow some stupid rules that our parents always set up when we get somewhere. Plus, everybody likes each other now! Well maybe Jade and Beck are not at their best but at least Jade found someone that makes her really happy. Don't get me wrong, Beck didn't do anything to her, he just didn't make her as happy as she deserves to be. Anyway, I'm so happy for Jade and Tori, they're so cute together! I'm also very proud to be the only one who know for the moment. At least the only one who was told because I'm pretty sure that Sikowitz knows as well. Okay, I think I was taken away once again... Sorry?

Anyway we are about to leave for the 'special place' the boys found! I'm so so sooo excited! I wish that I could make Robbie talk but Beck and Andre must have a good hold on him because even after a hug, he didn't tell me! They just told us to take a swimsuit but we don't have any other hint or indication so I think it would be a surprise!

"Cat! You coming?" Jade shouted, walking toward the forest with the rest of the gang

"Of course I'm coming!" I answered, running to join them

Here we go!

"You're sure you still don't want to tell us where we're going?" Tori asked André

"Yeah sure, it won't be a surprise if we tell you" he winked at his best friend

"I know but I wanna know" she began to pout

"Stop complaining Vega!" Jade barked at her

Even if her mouth said something kinda mean, her eyes couldn't hide the love she felt when she looked at Tori. How do I know that? Easy! I know Jade since I'm 7 and believe me, once you get to know her it is very easy to read her emotions! They are written all over her!

"Are we going to get there soon? I'm tired of walking" Jade asked

"We left 5 minutes ago" Beck sighed

"Was I talking to you? I don't think so!"

"Well technically you weren't talking to anyone in particular" he explained

"We'll be there in one or two minute" Andre finally answered, trying to prevent another stupid fight

"Thanks" Jade mumbled

"Hey! What if you sing a song 'til we get there?" I suggested

"Sounds good to me" Tori answered with a smile

"Yeah! So what do you guys wanna sing?"

"What about Five Fingaz to the Face?" Robbie asked

"Yeah I love that song!" I exclaimed

"Scuse me for ruining everything but we are here!" Beck said

We all looked around but none of us saw anything fantastic, just trees, bushes and more trees...

"So that's it? You're wonderful place you were so excited about? A fucking forest?!" Jade asked, beginning to be very angry, which was very understandable

"Chill down" Beck sighed

"What?!" she shouted walking toward him "You want me to chill down? Are you fucking serious Oliver?!"

She was now inches from him, with a finger pointing at his chest which, according to me, meant nothing good... But what could I do? With Jade, I've learnt to never try anything with her when she's angry and well, she was kind of angry at that time so I waited, hoping that she would calm down before doing something she may regret.

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