Chapter 9 : Jade's POV

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"Tori?" I asked, surprise "What are you doing here?!"

She mumbled something I wasn't able to understand which is something I hate! Like really cannot stand!

"Speak louder! I don't have the capacity to read your mind!" I barked

"I kind of heard your conversation with Beck" she said shyly

"Yeah I figured that out by myself! My question is: why are you here?"

"I followed you" she said quickly

"What?!" I shouted "When did I allow you to follow me?"

"You didn't but your phone woke me up and I saw you walking in the forest with Beck and I didn't want him to do anything to you so I followed you, trying to be discrete. I wanted to quit when I figured out that he wasn't going to do anything but I twisted my ankle" she said, sounding shameful

Okay, she may have followed me but at least, she didn't do it to hear our conversation, she just wanted to keep me safe which is very cute! Yeah, I said cute. Jade West said that Tori Vega did something cute! I know I shouldn't say that but that's just the truth. After everything I did to her, this girl keeps trying to be my friend and she even tries to protect me against my own ex-boyfriend! Stop thinking about that Jade, you have to answer something to that!

"Okay so, anyway... Did you hear the whole conversation?" I asked

"Yes" she said under her breath

"So you heard that I am..." I began, not knowing how to say it

"Yeah, I heard that too but don't worry, I am not going to tell anyone! I'm in the same situation so I know what it is" she reassured me

"Thanks" I first said "Wait, you said that you were in the same situation right?"

"Yes, I figured out I was into girls a few years ago" she answered shyly

"And you didn't say anything? Even to your friends?" I asked on a shocked ton

"And who keeps saying that I am not her friend?" she asked jokingly

"Oh you know what I meant!" I replied

"Anyway, no I didn't say anything to anyone except Trina and my parents. And you?" she asked

"I don't even know if I'm really into girls! I just know that I was more attracted by girls than by my own boyfriend, now ex-boyfriend, and that's why he dumped me but that didn't mean that I didn't love him anymore" I explained

"Okay so nobody knows?" she asked curiously

"Apparently Beck knows and since Cat is my best friend, she was the only one I told about that"

"Cat is your best friend?" she asked surprised

"Yes, she's the only person I'm close to, she knows everything about me and I know everything about her that's pretty cool to have someone I can talk to when something's wrong" I said

"So you're nothing more than friends? I mean best friends?" she asked, a glint of happiness in her eyes

"No! Why that question?" I asked, intrigued by the happiness I just saw, why was she happy that we're best friends? I mean, that's not that big of deal!

"I was just wondering" she said, smiling

Is she really that happy that I'm just friend with Cat? And if she is, why? I mean, she tried to be my friend since she met me but is it really possible that she likes me? Like, more than a simple friendship? Is that why she is trying so hard despite everything I did to her?

"Kay, we should go before everyone start wondering about our sudden disappearance" I joked

"I'd love to but my ankle is still painful and I don't know if I'd be able to walk on it"

She tried to walk but quickly stopped when she saw that she was unable to walk without limping

"Apparently you can't" I said "Anyway, just come here I'll carry you"

"You sure?" she asked worriedly

"Yes! Come on" I exclaimed

She jumped on my back and put her arms around my neck. I wasn't able to say why but this made me feel so good. The sensation of her arms around me was both comfortable and reassuring. I'd be lying if I say that I didn't enjoy this moment.

We arrived at the camp quickly because we weren't very far in the forest and went in our tents. I decided Cat up so that we could take care of Tori's ankle.

"Hey Cat" I said softly, shaking her a little

"Hmmmm" she moaned, still asleep

"Cat, Tori twisted her ankle in the forest I need you to wake up to help me" I explained

"Kay kay" she said with a sleepy voice

She opened her eyes, got up and took the medical kit in her bag before handing it to me

"How did you do that?" she asked to Tori

"I stumbled on a root"

"But, why were you in the forest? And how did you find her?" she asked, turning at me

Tori turned to me with a questioning look, quietly asking if she could tell Cat the truth. I simply nodded in agreement. After all, Cat is my best friend, she deserves to know more than anyone else. She turned back to Cat and explained her the events of the night

"So you know about Jade now?" Cat asked after the explanation

"That's right. And there's another thing I need to tell you" she said

"What's up?" Cat asked, worried

"Nothing wrong, I just want to tell you that I'm in girls too. I didn't say it before cause I wasn't ready but I think that you should know" she explained

"Okay" Cat exclaimed with a smile "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" Tori answered, a bit worried about the strange question Cat was going to ask

"Do you love Jade?" she simply asked

Is she serious? Doesn't she see that I'm right beside her?

"You don't have to answer that" I spoke for the first time since the beginning of Tori's explanation

"Sure, I was just wondering but anyway..." Cat said before resuming bandaging Tori's ankle

"I know but I want to" Tori said after a few seconds "Yes, I love you Jade" she said turning at me with a shy smile on her face

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