Chapter 7 : Jade's POV

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"Okay so, I dare you to kiss miss rainbows and miss cheekbones and then you'll have to tell us who is the best kisser!" he exclaimed

Is this guy serious? He'll never change, always asking if girls can kiss he's such a perv! Okay Jade, you have to choose: kiss your best friend (which is not something new) and that fucking hot miss perfect or let that puppet win at that stupid game? The chose isn't very hard to do!

"Okay" I finally answered "but no photos nor videos!"

"Even if I keep them for me?" the puppet asked

"NOOO!" I yelled

Having to kiss Vega is enough, I don't need a photo to remember!

"Okay..." he sighed

Cat was just beside me so I decided to begin with her. I leaned forward and captured her lips, cupping her cheeks with my hands. It was nothing new, I mean I'm not in love with Cat like, at all but you know... Best friend's stuff? Anyway... We pulled away after a few seconds and surprisingly we were both smiling. Yeah I was smiling too! I got up and walked toward Tori. I kneeled in front of her and leaned forward as well, tangling my hands in her hair while she put hers on my hips. Our lips connected and it was very different from the kiss with Cat. This one was harder but still sweet with a strawberry taste (probably from her lipstick). My thoughts were stopped when she began to lick my lower lip. That took me back to reality and made me realized that, as much as I was enjoying it, I had to stop this before doing something stupid. I pulled away but let my hands rest on her shoulders, catching my breath. She was smiling from ear to ear and it was even more complicated to hide the smile that threatened to appear on my own face. I stopped looking at her, went back to my place and tried to concentrate on something else but of course, Rex had to say something!

"Woah, can you do that again?" he asked excitedly

"NO!" I barked at him

"You're not funny, you witch!"

"Wanna repeat that?" I dared him with a death glare

"Sure, you're a witch" he repeated

Robbie put one of his hands in front of the puppet's mouth and began to apologize for him but it was too late, my scissors were already in his stomach (if he has one).

"Reeeex!" he screamed, as if I stabbed him instead of this stupid puppet "Rex, talk to me, are you okay?"

No answers...

"No! Rex you can't leave me! I need you to stay with me" he shouted, beginning to cry

"Robbie that's okay, I'm sure he'll be okay!" Cat reassured him

"No!" he barked "He won't be okay, he cannot even speak! I need to take him to the hospital"

He got up and began to run through the bushes. Okay, now that guy is going to the hospital! Wonderful! I have to find something so that he wouldn't go. Idea... Idea? Okay that's it!

"Robbie" I screamed, running after him "Robbie listen to me!"

He didn't answered but stopped running anyway.

"Robbie" I began, gasping for air "I don't think he can handle a ride to the hospital"

"What can we do then?" he said, resuming crying

"Stop crying!" I shouted

His eyes got wider, he was clearly terrified. At least he wasn't crying anymore!

"Okay, listen! I think that the only thing we can do is take care of him right here" I explained

"Here?" he asked, shocked "In the middle of the forest?"

"Hmmm, let's go back to the camp so that we can take the bandages and all the other stuff" I proposed

"Kay..." he sighed "Go get the others, I'll go ahead and find what we'll need so that we can begin when you come back!"

I nodded and turned around, running back to the rest of the gang. I explained them the situation once I get there.

"But do you even know how to treat a stab injury?" Cat asked innocently

"We're not going to really treat him Cat, he is a puppet!" I exclaimed

"Kay kay! So what are we going to do?" she asked

Gosh, would I have to explain her how the world turn after that?

"We'll make like we are treating him but in fact we won't do anything! We just have to put a bandage all around his stomach and he'll resurrect!" I explained again "Now let's go!"

"But we have to fin Sikowitz first!" she exclaimed

Right, this guy might be stupid but he's still my teacher I can't just leave him in the forest! Well I could but they won't let me... Anyway!

"Okay so... you boys will look for him so that I can go help Robbie with Tori and Cat!" I exclaimed

"Kay kay!" she exclaimed happily

We get back to the camp where Robbie was waiting for us, pacing the whole area. We cured the fucking puppet and let them alone. We're now in the tent, in an uncomfortable silence, even for me!

"Why don't anyone say anything?" Cat asked shyly

"Cause we don't know what to say Cat!" I answered, beginning to be really annoyed by that perky redhead

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked, at the edge of tears

This girl might be very annoying, she's still my best friend and seeing her cry all by my fault was too much to handle in that moment.

"Sorry Cat, I didn't mean to be mean to you" I said softly walking toward her to hug her.

"I know" she sighed, stopping sobbing and hugging me back

We stayed like that for a moment, until Tori got up and ran out of the tent. I pulled away from Cat and stared at the tent's entrance. Okay what was that? Why did Vega ran away of me hugging my best friend? I'll have to find out! But for now, Cat needs me so I have to stop thinking about Vega!

"What are you staring at?" I heard Cat's soft and shy voice asked

"Nothing, I'm sorry, I sort of zoned out" I answered, trying to get my mind off Tori

"Kay kay! Can I ask you something?"


"It's kind of a personal question" she added shyly

"Just ask Cat!" I exclaimed "If I don't want to answer it, you can be sure that you'll know it!"

"And what are you gonna do?" she asked, smashing my shoulder playfully

"If I were you, I wouldn't want to know" I whispered in her ear

She looked at me and giggled for a few moments

"Anyway" she resumed talking "Do you feel something for Tori?"

I thought about it for a minute, what can I respond to that?

"If you don't want to answer that's okay, I was just wondering" she added quickly, propably because she thought I was thinking of how I can kill her

"It's not that I don't want to answer Cat, but I don't even know if I'm feeling something for her. Well yeah obviously I am but I don't know what" I answered softly

"I understand that" she said "If you want to talk about it, I want you to know that, as your best friend, I would always be here"

"Thanks Cat, it means a lot to me!" I said, hugging her again

"JADE! CAT! TORI! Come here!" Beck yelled

What's happening? Why is this fucking guy yelling after me? I'd better go to see what it is! We got up and went to find him.

"We're here what's happening?" I asked, with an annoyed ton

"It's Sikowitz" he began "We have kind of a problem..."

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