His Sister.

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"Mummy?" Hamza's soft voice spoke up from the bed as I was changing into my work wear. I shut my eyes and stopped my movements, staying completely still as he stirred and turned around, blinking his eyes open.

"Mummy?" He said a little bit louder before he sat up in the bed and looked around until his eyes found me. I quickly finished pulling my blouse on and doing the buttons before walking over to him and trying to make him lie down again.

"Shh, I'm coming, baby. Go back to sleep." I whispered, praying that Hafsa didn't wake up also.

"I'm not sleepy." He said as he stretched out his arms and released a yawn, his little mouth opening wide.

"No, you are." I told him.

I was going to be late for work.

"I'm not." He said as he shook his head, his eyes losing their tiredness every second that went by. I sighed loudly, rubbing my forehead.

"Come here." I exhaled, finishing off my work outfit before picking up my bag and walking to him and picking him up into my arms, taking a small blanket off the end of the bed and putting it over his back as I walked down the stairs.

"Hey, Jess, look who's up early..." I trailed off as I prayed that she would be able to take him away from me so I could leave for work.

"Hey, Hamza. Good morning." She said with a smile as she stood up off the couch and walked over to me. Hamza mumbled a good morning back but when she reached for him, he wrapped his arms around my neck tightly, not letting go.

I sighed and she shrugged, turning back around and sitting down as I fished my phone out of my pocket, dialing Bella's number. She answered quite quickly.

"Bella, my son just woke up and he won't let me leave. I'm going to run a little late."

"No, you can't do that." She said with a tone that left room for no argument. "I'm sorry, Sumayya but the restaurant is packed for some reason and I need you here on time."

"Bella, I can't..." I trailed off, my voice pleading with her to give me some leeway, even if it was an hour.

"An hour!?" She repeated the words I hadn't even realized I had said out loud.

"Bring your son in." She said. "Bring his toys. He can play in the locker room. Bring a door stop too so he can't get out. I need you here asap." She said, not giving me any time to say anything as I heard the phone call end making me shut my eyes in frustration.

"Why'd you wake up so early, baby?" I muttered, not expecting a reply. I walked to the car in a hurry, buckling him in before running up the stairs and taking a few of his favourite toys. After placing a kiss on Hafsa's forehead, I went back down, telling Jess I was taking Hamza with me before I put the toys next to him and began driving to work.

"Mummy, I'm hungry." He said, making my eyes widen as I turned around for a second, looking at him. He just said hungry. He pronounced his 'R' properly.

"Say that again." I said with a grin, laughing when he repeated the sentence once more.

"MashaaAllah. Mummy, you just said the letter R." I spoke giddily, my frustration fading as I smiled at him through the rear view mirror.

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