Our Decision.

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Done? Okay. Alhamdulillah. 


"Let's go masjid and pray, please?" Zaid told me as he leaned his forehead against mine, holding my cheeks.

I smiled, peace and ease spreading throughout my body. "Okay." I agreed quickly and he smiled, pulling back and holding my hand in both of his, kissing my palm and then kissing my cheek before he shook his head. "I don't think I'm ever going to get used to having this feeling, alhamdulillah." He said.

"Alhamdulillah." I repeated, squeezing his hand.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me. "This is new." I smirked, watching him as I got into the passenger seat.

"Honeymoon phase." He said with a grin, making me laugh and shake my head. He shut the door and walked to the drivers seat, sitting down quickly and starting the car.

"This feels so surreal." He mumbled as he pulled onto the main road and back to where civilization was.

I guess it was sort of worrying that the kinder was in a secluded place, covered in trees and bushes, but it was a trusted place that had amazing reviews all over the internet.

"Why?" I asked softly, looking at him as he drove.

"What do you mean why?" He scoffed. "It just feels like I'm in some dream. As if this isn't even real. Imagine, after three months of constantly trying to get you back, I finally have you sitting beside me in my car, willingly. We dropped our kids off at school and now we're going to the masjid to pray. Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alameen."

"Alhamdulillah." I told him.

I forced myself to turn my head and look at the road otherwise I wasn't going to be able to stop looking at him.

I had missed watching him drive. The way his arm flexed and his hand held the gear shift was just so attractive to me. I loved watching him. 

"I didn't even know I'd end up doing this, you know? It just happened..." I trailed off shyly, looking down at my lap.

The car slowed at an intersection and Zaid looked at me. "Are you shy...hey," He said, holding my chin in his two fingers and turning my head to look at him. "Are you shy of me?" He asked with a smile.

"It just...feels weird, I guess." I mumbled, reaching up and taking his hand away from my face and holding it instead.

"How long do you think it'll take to be like how we were before?" He said, pulling his hand away to change gears and start driving.

"Allahu alam." I settled with simply.

I remembered my mum and my uncles' wife's advice when they told me this wouldn't be a healthy relationship if I kept reminding him of what I've been through, so although I wanted to say 'I've been through a lot, it'll take some time' I instead left it up to Allah. And it was true. Allah truly did know best.

"When will we move in, you know, to the house?" He asked before speaking again. "Wait, do you even want to go back to that house? I understand if you don't, we can sell it and look..."

"I'll be fine in that house, Zaid." I told him with a smile.

"Which masjid do you want to go to?" He asked.

Of course I had told him to go the masjid we had our nikkah done at and he smirked, nodding his head in agreement as we drove there. It was a thirty minute drive and in that time, we spoke about how we'd tell his parents and my mum about our new decision. I had decided I would get to know his parents for a little while more before moving into the house with him, and plus, that way the renovations in the house would finish.

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