Chapter Eight

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"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden."
―Frances Hodgson Burnett ,The Secret Garden

" ―Frances Hodgson Burnett ,The Secret Garden

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I had gotten lucky once again. Sunday, after I had returned home after my strange morning spent with Seth, I had managed to complete all my homework due the coming week and made a start on my Art project by making a complete sketch of my sanctuary as a reference. I'd also managed to make my step dad's tea early so it was ready for him, even though he never came home till sometime in the early hours of the next morning. I'd also managed to tidy the house from top to bottom and got my washing done too. I'd felt exceptionally accomplished when I lay down in bed that night, with a full stomach for a change since I'd chanced making myself a bigger portion than I was usually allowed, and lay looking at that the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened this weekend. It had been unusual to say the least, but least it wasn't too bad.

I let my mind wander back to my dream, not able to forget about the new pieces of information it had given me. My room had looked so different in the first bit. It actually looked like a completely different room now that I think about it, even though I knew it was mine.

Maybe my step dad had made me switch rooms at some point?

Then there was the mysterious boy in the photo. Maybe my step dad had hidden the photo in his room or the attic? I'd have to find a chance or excuse to go snooping about at some point. I just couldn't stop wondering who the boy was. I can't really remember what he looked like in the photo in my dream, it was too blurry, just that he was quite a bit taller than me.

That night I had fallen asleep still wondering about the boy and my dreams had been filled with a shadow of a person, always just a head of me but out of reach, whisperings all around me and a pair of dark chocolate eyes, staring right through me.

Monday I had been attacked in the morning by Faith, who had fired question after question at me about what had happened after I disappeared on Saturday, before telling me she would tell me everything that happened while I was gone, at break later, before vanishing into the crowd.

I spent my first two classes with my head down, not looking at anyone, and concentrated on my work. It felt like someone was staring at me, but I already knew who it would be, and I had already decided to try and ignore him from now on. It would be dangerous to get any closer than arms length to him, I'd hate to know what he'd do to me if he ever learned anything about what really goes on with me. He'd probably just turn a blind eye and avoid me. But the other scenarios were mortifying, where he would either team up with Ally, or he would blackmail me, or spread about the school about what happens. It wouldn't do to dwell on such things since i was positive he would never even recieve the chance to find out.

By the time the bell for break rung, I had my stuff packed and raced out the door, running straight for the stairs at the back of the school that was rarely used, and headed down one flight, hiding underneath them in the little space hidden by a wall.

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