Chapter Ten

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"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends."– J.K.Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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The next morning was nothing short of brutal. I felt sore all over, and I knew it would only get worse later. Billy – I refused to call him my step dad any longer – had stuck to his little plan, he didn't stop, even when blood ran down my back, pooling round my knees, he continued on, even taking joy in smearing it on my face, stripping me of clothing, humiliating and degrading me.

Dragging myself to school this morning had been a small miracle itself, washing away the bloody evidence, the time it took me to apply cover up, trying to walk normally. It had all been painful, and took up a lot of time. But I made it into school just in time. I had gotten a few strange looks, but nothing out of the usual. The morning had passed uneventfully, until break time.

Seth grabbed hold of my wrist, a sharp pain shooting up my arm as I twisted round, yanking my hand back. Seth looked down at me with a raised brow.

"Show me where I need to meet you at lunch." he demanded, slinging a bag over his shoulder.

Damn, I'd forgotten about that, I wasn't sure if I'd make it to any of my hiding spots today.

I nodded any ways, may as well show him now, get it out the way. I turned, leading Seth out the class room and down random hallways until we reached the stairway at the back of the building that was hardly used, leading him down to the bottom, to the small hiding spot behind the little wall.

I stood silently as Seth looked about the small space, assessing it.

"Well, it sure is well hidden, I've actually passed here a few times looking for you, I never knew there was a small space back here!" he mused, finally looking back at me, his eyes dragging down to my neck.

"How are you feeling today? Have you spoken to fuck face yet?" Seth asked, arms crossing over his chest as he lent against the wall behind him. I cant do anything but gape up at him.

"L-language!" I exclaim, throwing my hands over my ears. Seth just shakes his head, rolling his eyes.

"I've not seen him yet" I look away. Even just thinking about it has my anxiety rising. Seth crouches in front of me, eye level, face hard, eyes swirling chocolate pools of emotion.

"Panda cub, why are you with him? You know he's cheating? He clearly doesn't treat you well enough, is there anything else I should know?" Seths voice quietens at the last question, almost whispering. I quickly shake my head, he raises an eyebrow but doesn't question.

He straightens up, never removing his gaze from me before stepping closer, forcing me to step back. He takes another and again, I step away. Seth keeps approaching me, his steps worth 3 of mine, quickly finding myself pressed against a wall, Seth's body inches away from mine, arms resting against the wall on either side of my head. He leans forward and I feel his breath spreading over my neck.

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