| chapter one |

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' their hand fits hers like
its made for hers '

THE BLACK SKY GRADUALLY turned into dark grey, and the illumination of stars got languidly lusterless

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THE BLACK SKY GRADUALLY turned into dark grey, and the illumination of stars got languidly lusterless. Millions of stars in the ebony sky started hiding their brightness and got slowly dissipate as if someone was going to come. Divergent birds were gently flying in the clear air, and their melodic dawn chorus was easily audible.

Brooke exhaled with relief when she reached the bottom of the stairs and stepped outside of her house dressed in just a sizeable over-sized shirt. The air felt fresh and new; a gentle breeze caressed her skin. Brooke seated herself on the brown rocking chair and watched as ribbons of golden sunlight spilt into the forest.

The pine trees were a black silhouette against the brilliant gold sky. The dew drops, adorning the woods, seemed to glow with their own golden radiance. The first orange hued rays appeared on the skyline, which went through the clouds and the prodigious sky was easily visible.

The sun came out of its abode across the bright orange horizon and glimmered in the air. The sparkling sun started slowly rising up the forest, which clearly differentiated the sky and the land.


The sound of a phone ringing brought the silent blonde out of her trance, her eyes lowering down to the gold iPhone that laid by her side. Without looking at the ID, Brooke raised the phone to her ear after pressing the green button to accept the call.


"Brooke." A smile spread across the face of the said girl as she heard the familiar voice of her best friend. She hadn't heard from him in a long time since they were both very busy.

The last time he called her, she recalled him telling her that he found his blond singer. He also contacted her about a wedding, but she couldn't come because she was halfway across the world, hunting down people that did wrongdoings just for the sake of it. She thought that since she would live on Earth forever, she'd at least make it a good place - well, as good as it can get.

"Eddie. How are you?"

"Brooke. I need your help," he stated, seriously, which made the blonde stop everything she was doing. Her body filled with worry as she panicked, her eyes widening. Her intelligent mind began to think of the worst-case scenarios.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Edward sighed from the other end on the phone, finding it difficult to explain.

"Can you come to the house, in Forks? I'll explain there." The brunette asked, his voice laced with tiredness.

"Of course, I'll be there in a few," The blonde said before hanging up and using her super speed to make her way over to Forks, which only took her a few minutes, even though she was all the way in Brazil.

The supernatural world didn't call the vampire speedy for anything. The blonde was one of the fastest vampires in the world, and not because of her gifts, no, she just was.

Brooke soon entered the border of Forks, using her heightened senses to find her best friend's scent. Once she picked up on it, the blonde sprinted through the woods, jumping from tree to tree until she reached a fabulous house.

Without thinking twice, Brooke slammed the door open yelling his name. "Edward?" The blonde could sense his presence upstairs and used her speed to go there only for her to see Edward, his family, the Denials and other people.

"What's going on?" she asked, cautiously. The bronze-haired looked at her and sighed before motioning a girl with brown hair to turn around. There in her arms was a child that had no scent but blood in her.


"How is that possible?" Brooke gasped, shocked. Edward motioned for his best vampire friend to sit, which she did, and began explaining to her what happened and what is happening.

"That's my child, Renesmee. She was birthed when Bella, my wife, was a human." he started. Brooke looked up to see the said wife next to Edward a smile on her face. The blonde quickly zoomed over and gave her a big hug.

"So you must be the Bella he was talking about," Brooke said and then crouched down to face the child. The hybrid took a step back, scared, which placed a frown on the blonde's lips.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, sweetie," she whispered. Renesmee looked up to her mum before looking into the blonde's eyes, raising her hand to place a hand on her cheek. Brooke let out a small gasp as image flooded her mind, the memories of the hybrid child in front of her. They soon stopped once she removed her hand.

"What a beautiful gift," Brooke whispered before a smile came upon her face. "You truly are a miracle."

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