Chapter 28

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Slowly the world came back into focus. Her heart thudded, eventually settling.

Was this how her life would go? Would she have to spend the rest of her time living in a pack that blamed her for the "destruction" she caused and saw her as a burden?

But she wasn't a burden. At least, she never tried to be. Ever since she'd moved in, she'd stayed under the radar. Tried not to cause commotions or step on any toes.

And yet, somehow she'd done just that. She'd alienated Jamie. Got Ben kidnapped.

No, no self-pity. No more. No more blame.

There had to be something she could do. Some way she could help out instead of sitting on the couch twiddling her thumbs.

A wet snout brushed her arm. Mathias sat next to her and leaned his warm heavy weight into her.

Harley wrapped herself around him and rested her cheek against his furry neck. She took comfort in her brother. At least she wasn't alone. She didn't have to steer the ship solo. "Mathias, do you think we're cursed?"

Her wolf brother snorted.

"Is that a yes?"

He whined and moved so his head rested in her lap.

"Mathias..." she rubbed behind his ears, her fingertips tracing indistinguishable patterns into his fur. "Is it hard? Not being able to talk?"

An ear flicker. But nothing else.

She took it as a yes.

"Is it scary being stuck in there?"

Funny how the two Pierce children were both stuck in different forms. Harley would never Change. Mathias wouldn't know what it was like to walk on two feet again.

She continued to absentmindedly trace his fur. "Sometimes I think I don't belong here. I might as well be human. Why am I living with a pack?"

"Harley?" Natalie poked her head out the front door. "I've been looking for you. What are you doing out here?"

Mathias glanced up as Natalie sat next to Harley, but made no more movement. Apparently, he had no problem with the Beta's wife.

"I needed some fresh air."

"Ah," Natalie nodded and glanced out at the driveway and the trees beyond it.

"Did you need something?"

"Not particularly. I wanted to check in," she smiled at Mathias, "though it looks like you two are doing fine. Mathias, it's nice to see you again."

Mathias' ears twitched in acknowledgment.

They were quiet a moment. Each allowing the gentle chirp of the birds, the warm summer breeze, and the smell of trees to wash over them.

Harley found it soothing. Nature had a way of reminding her of her roots. Of where they came from. Though she'd never be a wolf and never be able to have that connection to the wildlife as others, she could still admire and appreciate it's existence.

"Harley, I'm worried about you," Natalie said. She tucked her legs underneath her. "I know so far pack life has been...difficult for you."

Harley tried to wave it off. "I'm fine."

"Are you?" She asked, "I saw you rush off. And unfortunately, I heard what Jamie said."

Natalie hadn't been in the room or even the kitchen when Jamie reminded her of her discretions. "How--?"

Natalie tapped at one ear. "Wolf hearing." She jerked her chin at Mathias. "Why do you think this one was so quick to respond?"

Harley settled a hand on Mathias' head. Of course her brother heard. In his wolf form, he most likely heard quite a bit from the pack house if he was close enough.

"Jamie is a lot more...reactive than most. She also doesn't know the full story."

Natalie untucked her legs and sat back, leaning on her elbows. She looked to the sky. "Your family meant a lot to this pack. Both of your parents were amazing additions. They were a part of what made Willow Creek what it was. Ask anyone around my age, and they'd be happy to share stories about your parents.

"We all remember your parents. And the good things they did. Which was why losing them was so hard. Even the people who didn't agree with your father's decisions came together to mourn the loss."

Confused, Harley frowned, "my father's decisions? What do you mean?"

Natalie cocked her head to the side, "I guess you were too little to really remember."

Mathias' ears perked up and he sat up at attention.

"Mathias, you remember your father's practice, right?"

Mathias whined in response. No.

Natalie's gaze flicked between the two of them. "Neither of you remember?"

Harley shook her head. "I know he was a doctor."

"He was. He helped our pack out quite a bit with shots, medicine, the occasional sickness. He was a great asset to the pack.

"But your father was curious by nature. He had to know how things worked, the way they ticked. He had his medical practice, though his background started in genetics. And his biggest curiosity revolved around shifters. So when he wasn't keeping the pack healthy, he worked with a team in a small covert think-tank to piece together the mystery of our wolves."

"And people didn't like that?"

"They didn't mind. It was the experiments they didn't like," Natalie held out a hand to Mathias, who stepped forward to let her rub at his ears. Mathias would never say no to an ear scratch. "Some members thought it was dangerous to mess with nature and the gifts Luna gave us. Though no one really knew exactly what his experiments were. They couldn't get too mad at him. He was the one to keep us all healthy."

Harley picked at the sides of her nails. "And you? What did you think?" She couldn't look at Natalie as she asked. She was too afraid of the answer. Though Natalie didn't speak as if she harbored hatred for her father.


"I think your father was an amazing man," she finally said. "He had his shortcomings and made his mistakes. It is not my role to judge his life's decisions. But...when my mate Oliver was a teenager, he somehow came down with a bad case of pneumonia."

"Pneumonia?" Wolves didn't get sick often. Their immune system was strong and oftentimes fought off the hardiest infections and diseases.

"It's rare, but sometimes sickness gets through our defenses. Oliver's case was one of the worst we've seen. If your father hadn't been there...Oliver would be dead." Natalie sat up, her hand tightening over Harley's. "I have your father to thank for saving his life."

"I don't think Jamie understands the things your family has done for us," Natalie said, "Try not to take it too hard. She loves Ben like a brother and is protective. I'm sure she wants to get him back, and it hurts her to be trapped here, unable to help. Her hurt is speaking for her right now."

Harley leaned her head on Natalie's shoulder. The three of them sat content, on the porch. Huddled together like family.

Like pack.

"I want to help," Harley said quietly. "I'm worried about Will and everyone else."

"Whether you believe it or not, Harley, you are helping. By staying here, by staying safe, you're helping Will keep his peace of mind. Something he'll need if he has to go into battle."

For now, that would have to be enough.   

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