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Ten Years Later

"Mommy, you told me I could go next!" Seven-year-old Caden stomped his foot on the ground. He'd had enough of watching his five-year-old sister Sara take her turn.

"And you will, Caden, but Mathias might need a break," Harley responded. She had their youngest, Matthew, at her hip. "Why don't you be polite and ask your uncle if he wants some water."

Mathias, who'd been running around the yard with Sara on his back for the last five minutes, snorted.

Of course he didn't need a break. He was a werewolf. His stamina was enough that he could run around their backyard for five hours if he wanted. "You know, 'thias, I'm just looking out for your sanity," Harley said.

Their home was nestled in the same meadow that Harley's family had been before they died. After a few years, Harley and Will decided to move out somewhere quieter where the pack members weren't so...attentive.

Harley wanted a new start, and new memories to chase away the old. What better way than to build on her family's property? They'd cleared away the debris and dug ground for their small, ranch style home.

She loved it with every fiber of her being. It was quiet, and with Oliver expanding their territory, it was also now in the middle of the pack's jurisdiction. Which meant it was safe.

"Okay, Sara, time to give Caden a turn."

"Aww," Sara pouted but got off her uncle.

Mathias licked her cheek.

Sara shrieked and laughed, rubbing at the spot. "Ew, Uncle 'thias!"

Caden climbed onto Mathias' back and hugged him around the neck. "Okay, I'm ready. Fast this time."

Harley shot Mathias a look. Fast, but safe.

Mathias took off. His tongue goofily hanging out of the side of his mouth. He loved the kids more than anything, and so did his wolf. Though he was still stuck in wolf form, and most likely would be for the rest of his life, he found ways to help out and be the uncle the children needed. Like give them rides, or walk with them around the territory when they wanted to explore.

Sara tugged at Harley's long flower skirt. "Momma, when's daddy getting home?"

She ran a hand over Sara's dark locks. "I don't know, sweetie. Why don't you help me water the garden?"

Harley put three-year-old Matthew on a blanket and filled up Sara's tiny plastic watering can. While Sara watered, she picked out a few weeds here and there. "I think our Basil is about ready to pick. Maybe a few more days."

"Is that so?" A deep voice asked from behind her.

"Daddy!" Sara launched herself at Will as he came around the side of the house. He dropped his duffel and scooped up his daughter.

"Hey there, Jelly bean." Will dotted kisses on her cheeks.

Sara hung onto Will's leg, abandoning her job of garden waterer, even as he picked up Matthew. "How are you, baby boy?"

Matthew wrapped his arms around his father. "Daddy."

Will clutched Matthew tight to his chest and looked at Harley. She'd have to be blind not to see the adoration and complete love he had for their children.

"Back so soon?" Harley joked as she stepped out of the garden.

He kissed her chastely on the lips. She accepted it easily and smiled. Later, she'd welcome him home in a different fashion--after the kids went to bed.

"Three days is a long time, Harls."

"Three days? Has it been three days?" She grinned. They both knew she was kidding. Just as they both knew she missed him fiercely when he was gone.

"It has," he said. "Any sign while I was gone?"

Across the yard, Mathias trotted Caden in a loose circle, faking left and right. Caden laughed, his eyes bright.

"No," Harley took Matthew from him. "Caden's only seven. We've got a few years under our belt until then. You were what, twelve when you shifted?"

Will nodded.

Harley shrugged. "We've got some time. Either way, we will love them no matter what."

Will wrapped an arm around her waist and chuckled as Caden tried to throw a ball at Mathias and missed epically. "Always."

Harley reached up and drew some of Will's hair back. It was still dark, though there were a few gray hairs popping up here and there. "Willie Grey, I think you're going gray."

He rolled his eyes. "Har-Har, Mrs. Grey."

She leaned her head against his shoulder, her heart full. "Welcome home."

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