Chapter 34

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Dominic's whine of pain made Ben wince. "I didn't think it'd be this hard for him to Change."

An hour ago, Dominic had begun his slow effort to change back into his human form. It was taking longer than anyone expected.

Cam and Ben sat on the ground, waiting for Dominic to be done. Mathias, who'd shot out after them once they left the pack house, sat near a tree stump, his legs twitching anxiously. Even after an hour, the dull crack of bones reforming had only just begun. They'd be here for some time.

Will leaned against a tree, his leg bouncing as well.

"I know what you're thinking," Ben said into the quiet. None of them felt like keeping up conversation right now. They couldn't plan any kind of attack on the camp until Dominic--who knew the most about the camp and its people--could actually speak.

It took Will a second to realize Ben had directed the comment to him. "And what is that?"

"That we're wasting time."

Will's lips thinned. Every moment that left Harley in the hands of those people, defenseless, was too long. However, he'd have to be out of his mind if he thought for one second going in without crucial information was a good idea.

Even if he had to wait another half hour for Dominic to finish changing, that would still be half the time it'd take to get the whole pack saddled and 'ready to go' by the Alpha's standards.

Cam snagged a pebble off the ground and traced his thumb over the smooth edge. "At least we're doing something," he said, "Alpha Mark would rather shove his thumbs up his ass than help Harley."

Mathias growled.

Ben shook his head. "It doesn't make any sense. She's one of us. We should be sending out an entire team to get her back. ASAP. Like he did for me."

"Something isn't right with that," Cam said, "We can worry about it later."

"It's best the pack isn't involved," Dominic said as he rounded the tree. The pain of the Change evident in his weak voice. "My mom has an insider."

Cam whipped the pebble as far as he could. It struck a tree trunk and bounced off. He scoffed. "Of course."

Will sucked in a painful breath. "You're lying."

Dominic sat on the ground, away from Ben and Cam, and curled up to hide his nakedness. "I wish I was."

"No one betrays pack," Will snapped, "No one." A pack was family. Comradery. They were all wolves playing in a human world. They shared the same struggles. The same issues. It formed a bond unlike any other.

He would rather cut off his own foot than betray his pack mates like that.

"She mentioned a source. That she'd contact when getting Harley proved difficult."

Will straightened. "I don't even know who you are. Why would I trust any word that comes out of your mouth?"

Dominic bent further into himself.

Surprisingly, Ben spoke up, "Because he's Selene's son."

"Who the hell is Selene?"

Ben let out a deep breath and rubbed at some of the blood crusting along his ear. If he weren't so worried about Harley, Will would have made Ben stop and take a day or so to get his feet back under him.

But Harley might not have a day or so. Will needed Ben. Right now.

And Ben...still had some pink at his temple from when he tried to wipe the blood off. There was a small cut along his hairline--he'd taken a hit to the head, apparently. Though there weren't any signs of a concussion, which was good. The last thing he needed was to have to worry about Ben's head.

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