Chapter 31

13.4K 911 62

"Mathias, you have to stay here."

Her brother whined and nudged his cold, wet muzzle against her calf.

Harley walked to the pack house garage where Bailey waited in her little white sedan. Mathias was right at her heels, his warm breath fanning over the back of her knees.

She spun, sympathy coating her features as she said, "I told you, you can't come." Crouching, she rubbed under her brother's chin. "Wolves don't belong at the mall."

He licked her hand and sat, tilting his head to the side. Very dog-like. Despite her efforts, a laugh escaped. "I don't care if you look like a dog," she told him. "Dogs aren't allowed at the mall either."

In the garage, the car's engine spurred to life. "I have to go. Love you."

"Sorry about that," she said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"He's not right behind me, is he?" Bailey asked. She put her hand on Harley's headrest and turned to look as she backed out of the garage. "The last thing I need is to accidentally run over your brother."

A grin ticked the side of Harley's mouth. "I told him I'm going. If you hit him, it's his fault."

"It's just the mall," Bailey said as she sped off. "Retail therapy is great for the soul. He should be happy you're getting out."

Harley shrugged, "Mathias is confusing sometimes. It doesn't help that he can't talk."

They pulled into the vast mall parking lot around eleven o'clock. Because it was a weekday, not many people were out shopping. However, mall shoppers still filled the food court to the brim.

"Have you ever had thai food?" Bailey asked as they passed it.

"Nope. Is it spicy?"

"Depends on the kind. It's really good though. We'll have to try it later," Bailey pointed at a store not far from them. "There's that dress shop I told you about. Come on."

Bailey had expensive tastes. She dragged Harley to all the little knick-knacky boutiques where the shirts were stringy and the dresses were missing half the back. She liked the style of the boutiques, but it cost more for a ring there than a shirt at one of her department stores.

"Harley, look at this dress!" Bailey held up a red halter neck summer dress. "This would go perfectly with your dark hair."

Harley snorted and put down the glow in the dark pencil she'd been looking at. "Is it more than thirty dollars?"

"It's 32."

She shook her head. "I think my wallet would have a heart attack and die if I bought that."

"Are you kidding? This is so you!" Bailey shook the hanger. "Try it on. Please?"


"Just try it!"

Harley groaned. "Ugh, fine."

The dress was beautiful. The vibrant red worked well with her hair and even gave some life to her plain brown eyes. And the halter neck kept it modest, though the shorter skirt made it flirty.

She should never have tried it on. Because now she wanted it with a ferocity that tightened her gut.

What would Will think if he saw her in this dress? It was only a summer dress, yet it accentuated her shoulders and slimmed her waist.

She imagined him coming home with Ben. He'd step through the front door, and she'd be waiting at the top of the stairs in the red dress. When he saw her, he'd freeze. Then she'd run down the stairs to fly into his arms. He'd smile at her, and his eyes would warm as he took her in--

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