Chapter 38

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Blackthorne led them through the camp in handcuffs. Though the place was relatively abandoned--Blackthorne had sent most of their guys after the other half of Will's group--they'd decided to keep a pretense in case they ran into someone.

He maneuvered them through yellow tents and past forgotten smoking campfires back to Selene's tent.

"You sure about this?" Blackthorne asked. "She's not one to give up."

"I'm sure," Will insisted.

Blackthorne led them both by the elbow into Selene's tent.

Selene was bent over her work station in the corner, fiddling with the focus on her microscope. She didn't look up at their entrance. "Whatever it is, figure it out."

"I brought you a gift," Blackthorne said and, playing the part, shoved Will and Cam further into the tent.

She glanced over, quirked her mouth up, and returned to her microscope. "Ah, you found them. Perfect timing too."

Dominic jerked on his restraints when he saw them come in. He shot them an apologetic look.

Will gave the smallest of nods, trying to tell him to follow his lead. Then he flicked his eyes to Cam's handcuffs.

Dominic grimaced, his eyebrows coming together. What? He mouthed at Will.

Blackthorne unlocked Will's restraints quietly. Silently. When they loosened, he gave no outward sign that his hands had been freed.

Then he freed Dominic. His metal chains jingled as they hit the ground.

Selene whirled at the sound. "Blackthorne, what are you--"

Cam stepped forward, a silent threat.

"Harley's free," Will told Dominic. "And Ben."

"Blackthorne!" Selene barked.

Blackthorne snorted and crossed his arms. He moved himself off to the side. "Don't look at me, this is between you and them. I'm done standing in between."

Her gaze darted at them and as she took in the situation wariness entered her expression. She was vastly outnumbered.

"We're here to get you out," Will told Dominic. "If you want it. The other test subjects too, if they'd like. Our pack can teach you all things. Methods that will help you control the beast. Help you adapt."

"He doesn't need to learn to be more of an abomination," Selene hissed.

Dominic flinched.

"Ben taught you some," Will continued as if she hadn't spoken, "but there's still more to learn."

"There's nothing to learn!" Selene said, "Baby, listen. I'll fix this. I'll fix you--"

"Shut up!" Dominic's fists clenched at his side. "Just shut up, mom."


Dominic's face reddened. "I haven't been a son to you. Ever. If I was, you wouldn't talk as if I'm an animal," he gestured to the tent's exit, "you wouldn't've locked me in a trailer for most of my life."

"I didn't lock you in a trailer!"

"You did," he said with a cold calm. "You're supposed to love me. No matter who or what I am. Instead, you can barely stand to be around me--"

"That's not true--"

"--I can't live like this anymore. You turned me into this mom. You. And instead of facing the consequences, you've spent my whole life trying to fix it."

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