Chapter 36

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"Here's the guy you asked for," Blackthorne's voice broke through Harley's fog. "Though his tranq is about to wear off. Sure you don't want me to stay?"

"Leave, Blackthorne."

Her eyes fluttered.

Blackthorne had wheeled in a skinny metal table with a slack form resting on it and then exited through the flap of the tent.

She made herself focus, though her head was heavy. Balancing it on her shoulders was like balancing a ball on a stick. It wouldn't stop wobbling.

Selene moved to the table and lifted the sheet, a syringe in her hand. She took a sample from the poor soul and then went back to her workstation.

"Getting closer..." She mumbled. Did she know how often she talked herself through things?

The person under the thin white sheet groaned and shifted. Harley tilted her head further down, trying to get a look at whoever it was. This poor wolf didn't deserve to be tested on--whether it be willingly or not.

No matter what angle though, she couldn't see much except for the dark hair.

A muffled hiss from the other test subject. He--it had to be a male, with the size of his shoulders and feet--flinched and jerked at the restraints on his wrists and ankles.

Selene acted like he wasn't there. She continued at her microscope, made a few notes, and eventually got up to leave.

"Blackthorne, I need another control sample. Where are they?"

Though she'd left the tent, they were still separated by nothing more than some glorified tarp. It made listening easy. Even with Harvey's normal non-wolf ears.

"I've got three in Dominic's trailer. And your son is heavily sedated in the medic tent, waiting for you."

A sour taste filled her mouth. Oh, Luna. Somehow these crazy holier-than-thou people had gotten more wolves.

Her gut tightened. As long as they don't have Will.

As soon as she thought it, she felt terrible. It was a horrible situation no matter who was captured. But for some reason, the thought of them having Will seemed unbearable.

"And the rest?"

Blackthorne cleared his throat. "We're still looking."

"Be sure that continues."

A pause. Then there was the crunch of shoes on dry dirt. "Selene...Be careful."

"I'm not an idiot."

"Never thought you were," he responded matter-of-factly, "Just... Pierce doesn't look too good in there. Don't waste your only success."

More silence, during which Selene was most likely gritting her teeth. "Shut it, Blackthorne, and watch them."

She didn't have to be a genius to know who them was.

"It's like watching a train wreck," Blackthorne said, presumably to someone else outside.

The person on the table in front of her shifted then jerked hard on the wrist restraints.

"Not gonna happen," She said through her cracked lips. Her throat and mouth were dry, and because of it, her voice wasn't much past a rasp.


She'd recognize the voice anywhere. "Ben?" Her voice broke painfully on his name. She tried to conjure up more saliva. "Thank Luna you're okay."

Under A Latent Moon (A Werewolf Tale)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant