A bunny for a bunny

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"Where the fuck is he." Jimin stated staring at his watch. He was tapping his foot against the cold cement waiting for his friend. He's fucking 20 minutes late. Tae had said to meet him at the entrance of the shopping center at noon. The fucker was late, really late, and Jimin was wondering if he should just go and shop on his own. When a certain dirty blonde came flailing and screaming out of the front doors.


Jesus fucking Christ. Jimin approached the maniac and glared as Tae bent down to catch his breath.

"Where the fuck where you?" Jimin frowned.

"One of my stupid ass professors was like hey can you help me unload stuff from my car and me being the kind person I am." Jimin snorted. "Shut it. I was like sure but he had like fucking 20 boxes of who knows what in his car. So I ran here so you should be proud since you know I don't do that devil's work you call exercise." Tae got up from the floor and put a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"So where are we going?"

Jimin brushed Tae's hand off and put his hands on his hips. "Well I thought we could browse and see if we find anything. We need to find a CD store too."

"Perfect. I thought I could see if I could find a G-dragon album anywhere." Tae smiled.

The two began walking when Tae pointed over at a little store filled with cute little stuffed animals.

"Its perfect." Tae cooed. He ran and dragged Jimin into the cute little store. When they went in the entrance they soon found out that there was much more than stuffed animals. On one wall there was cat water bottles with cute little charms. Jimin made his way over to the stuffed animals. There was a section of cats. A cat for a lazy person. Jimin smiled when he thought of what Yoongi would do if he gave him a plush cat.

"Thank you" He would say with a cute gummy smile. His deep voice, rough but laced with kindness and compassion. Maybe he would chuckle a little.

"JIMIN." Jimin spun around to a startled Tae.

"God dam freakish dancer reflexes." Tae said under his breath.

"Excuse me that I am aware of my surroundings." Jimin snapped.

Tae rolled his eyes and held up a little bunny. " a bunny for a bunny boy." Jimin chuckled, his eyes making crescent moons. "I'm sure he will kill you if you say that to him." Jimin said with a smirk. "Wanna make a bet." Tae said. "He won't dare hit this beautiful face" Tae said poking his cheek with his finger.

"You and betting on everything. Don't come crying to me when you are broke and starving." Jimin said with a wave of his hand. "But the bunny is cute." Jimin smiled brightly. Tae jumped up and down. "Its perfect. Now you need to find something." Jimin nodded. Jimin walked along the tables brushing his hands on the plush animals. He found his way back to the cats. He paused when he saw a orange cat with cute little stubby legs. His mouth was open and shaped like a v. He had little bead eyes and fluffy ears.

"This one." Jimin said holding up the plush cat.

"Its cute." Tae said, smiling while tilting his head.

Jimin made his way the checkout counter and payed. They walked out the store with two plastic bags. Jimin skipped with Tae out into the street.

"We need to find a Cd store." Tae said while Jimin nodded. The two made their way over to a directory. Jimin pointed to a little square on the map.

"Here." Jimin turned towards Tae. "Lets try here first."

"Alright lead the way."

Jimin and Tae started walking towards the store. Jimin was pondering what the idol would like.

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