Chasing Clouds Ch.6

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Fuck it

Jimin stood up from his chair and glared at Taehyung. The dirty blonde sent him a smirk of amusement. He followed the group of girls, that were brave enough to do this, up to the stage. Jimin stopped and looked back at the crowd. He could see people cheering and yelling for their friends. He looked over at Taehyung and saw him smiling and giving a thumbs up. Jimin took a deep breath and continued walking over to the middle of the stage.

Ok so maybe he knew more than two songs. In reality, Jimin had learned around ten of the dances.

"Ok." Hoseok said. "Two people will dance and at the end, cheer for your favorite. The winner will get a very special reward." Jimin didn't really know what he was getting himself into again. There was four people on the stage and, of course, Jimin was the only. He was sweating a river as Hoseok explained the rules.

"Ok, the first song is...Butterfly. Who knows it?" Jimin's hand shot up. He had fallen in love with the song's soft feeling and was always amazed how the choreography flowed with the words. Jimin looked over and saw one of the girls also had her hand up. Jimin gave her a sheepish smile.

"You two come stand here." Hoseok motioned with his hands a spot on the stage. Jimin walked over to the spot Hoseok pointed out and scanned the crowd for his to provide some support. Jimin snorted when he saw Tae standing up, screaming his name.

"Alright, begin."

As soon as the music started, Jimin let his body flow with the song. He hit every move with precision and let himself dwelve into the moves. As he landed a turn, he caught a glimse of Yoongi, staring at him with awe. Jimin smiled as the chorus came back. He was lost in his own world. The song was his only path. Jimin loved this, the sweat in his hair, his blood pumping, and his limbs moving to the lyrics. When the song ended, Jimin was completely out of breath. All at once, the crowd stood and screamed. Jimin chuckled when he saw Taehyung standing on his chair, chanting his name. Hoseok walked over to the girl he was dancing with and raised her hand. The crowd cheered and clapped, while Hoseok nodded his head and walked over to Jimin. When Hoseok raised his hand, Jimin thought he was going to go deaf. Everyone jumped out of there seat and screamed for him. Jimin blushed for the 100th time that day, and looked at the ground.

"It seems like we have a clear winner."

Jimin walked over to the other competitors.

"The next song... Is I need U,"

Jimin knew this song, and it was one of his favorites, but he didn't raise his hand as the other girls knew it too. The two girls walked out to their respective places and started to dance. Jimin picked out the better of the two in an instant. Jimin was very surprised how good she was. He never really did mean to win the prize as he thought he wouldn't stand a chance against the others. He also just wanted to enjoy himself and let go, even though Tae pushed him into this. He did however, gain confidence, a little confidence. Jimin watched the better of the two dancers land a turn.

"So, how long have you been dancing?" Jimin turned to a girl and recognized her as the one he had danced with.

"I'm actually a dance major." The girl slammed her fist into the palm of her hand.

"I knew it; you were absolutely amazing." Jimin smiled. "No you are really good too."

"I'm literally nothing compared to you." The girl paused. "By the way, my name is Jimin." Jimin laughed. "No way. My name is also Jimin." The two Jimins laughed. New Jimin pointed over at Yoongi.

"I feel like he is giving me like a death stare." 1st Jimin shrugged. "I guess it's his personality." The two chuckled.

The song ended and they both turned to the front of the stage to see who Jimin would be dancing with.

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