Help me m8

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~Jimin's POV~

"Hello Yoongi-ssi."


Jimin was sweating bullets. All he could do was pray to ever God that he knew of that he didn't mess this up. Jimin looked up and blushed when Yoongi smiled.

"S-so what's your name." Yoongi asked when Jimin handed him the album.

"Park Jimin. I um also got you some gifts..." Jimin cringed internally at his awkwardness. Keep it together. Jimin reached into his plastic bag and pulled out the cat and cd. He handed the cat and cd with a small bow. Yoongi reached for the gifts when the two brushed hands. Jimin looked up to see Yoongi blushing. Blushing. The two looked away. Yoongi's soft hands held the cat close to his chest. He opened up the album and smiled. Yoongi looked at him and blushed.

"Thank you so much. Sf9 is one of one my favorite bands."

Jimin's eyes lit up. "Really? I just found out about them like a week ago and I can't stop listening to them."

"I know what you mean. For a week straight I played roar on repeat. Hoseok eventually took my phone away. I'm still salty about it." Jimin couldn't stop the giggle that erupting from his chest.

"I had to unplug my roommate's speaker when he was screeching high notes at midnight."

Jimin couldn't help but stare when Yoongi laughed. Jimin blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Jungkook does that regularly. One night he danced to Bang bang bang for like three hours." Jimin smiled.

"That definitely sounds like him. My roommate also loves Big Bang. He also has like 10 posters of G-dragon in his room. He also has posters of Jungkook. That boy is so whipped its not even funny." Yoongi raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Do you have posters?" Jimin thought back to his posters of the boy that was sitting in front of him that Tae had given him. Jimin blushed fiercely and stuttered. "I- I do but- um I."

Yoongi blushed and looked at his feet. "Its ok Its ok. I'll sign your album now." Oh yeah. Jimin forgot about it since they were so engrossed in talking. Jimin took this chance to look at the boy fully. His eyes were a smooth brown that reminded Jimin of his favorite mocha. His skin was pale but looked soft and warm. His hair was combed to the front and Jimin watched as he flipped his hair every so often. Jimin quickly looked down when Yoongi unexpectedly looked at him. The two made eye contact for a second before they both looked away. Yoongi closed the album and handed it back to him.

"Thanks for the cat." Yoongi said while he grabbed the paw of the cat and waved goodbye with it. Goddamit he is going to kill me one day. Jimin bowed. "Thank you." Jimin moved to the next member. Jimin bowed when he walked Hoseok.

"Hello Hoseok-ssi."

Hoseok smiled and gasped.

"You're baby face boy." What the fuck...

Jimin don't know what he should be confused about, the fact that the main dancer of his favorite group recognized him, or that he called him baby face boy. Jimin saw Yoongi shoot a death glare at Hoseok. Jimin stood in silence.

"Sorry sorry. I've seen you on Instagram before and someone said you had a baby face. It's not a bad thing trust me."

"Oh um yeah a lot of people say I have a baby face." Jimin scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. Hoseok smiled wider and leaned over the table.

"You should be proud you look like a little mochi." Hoseok pinched his cheeks and Jimin flushed a light shade of pink.

"Thank you." Hoseok opened the album to sign it and raised his eyebrows and looked at Yoongi. He signed the album and handed it back to Jimin.

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