Chasing Clouds Ch. 11

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Jimin POV
Jimin stopped singing and froze in a state of panic. Yoongi sat on the couch, staring at him.
"Um." Jimin mumbled. "I'm sorry." Jimin whispered and started for his room. Yoongi grabbed his wrist and Jimin spun around.
"Why are you sorry?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head to the side. Jimin felt his knees weaken. He pulled his sleeves down further and fumbled with them.
"I um am not a very good singer." Jimin mumbled. He cringed inside his mind. Why did he have a habit of singing when no one was around?
"What are you talking about? You're amazing." Yoongi asked and Jimin had to make Yoongi repeat what he said.
"I'm sorry, but what did you say?" Jimin stared at the older with confusion.
"You're a really good singer. Why don't you do voice classes?" Jimin could feel the heat on his cheeks. He only hoped that Yoongi couldn't see because of the lack of lights.
"I'm really not." Jimin said, scratching the back of his neck. Why does this happen to me?
"You are. Your voice is high but it's really soft and light." Yoongi started. "Say what, how about you make a mixtape with me." Yoongi said with a smile as Jimin began blubbering.
"W-what?" Jimin's eyes were the size of the moon. His mouth started to fail.
"Yo-you want to make a mixtape, with me?" Jimin asked as he pointed to himself.
"Yes you have a really nice voice." Jimin felt he was about to have heart failure about now.
"You, the Min Yoongi, the rap god, want to make a mixtape with the squeaky wannabe?" Jimin asked, dumbfounded when Yoongi nodded his head and laughed.
"First, I'm not a rapper god, and second your voice is not squeaky, it's really smooth." Yoongi said as he grinned at the blushing pink haired boy.
"You really want too?" Jimin asked, making bug like eyes at the older. What higher power made this happen? Yoongi chuckled.
"Yes I really want too, your voice is high, but when you sing it's not too loud, like other singers, it's more of a whisper, like a siren in the wind." Jimin smiled at the older.
"Thank you." He looked back at the clock on the microwave. "It's eleven so I'm going to go to bed." Jimin said and Yoongi nodded.
"See you tomorrow." Jimin said. "And go to bed soon too."
That night, Jimin feel asleep smiling.
Jimin woke up from Taehyung hitting him with a pillow. Jimin groaned and grabbed the pillow, staring at Taehyung. Jimin yanked the pillow from Taehyung's grasp and threw it against the wall. Taehyung fumbled with his fingers.
"Seokjin hyung made breakfast." Taehyung said and ran away before Jimin could throw a pillow at him. Jimin sighed and threw himself against the bed. He slowly slid off of the bed and opened the door. He made his way to the kitchen and sat down by Yoongi. Jimin poured himself a bowl of cereal when Yoongi started.
"I was brain storming last night." Yoongi said as he slid a notebook by Jimin, Jimin dropped his spoon and picked up the notebook. All over there was lyrics. Jimin found the one that was circled. Jimin nodded his head in agreement.
"These are really nice." Jimin said as he handed Yoongi back his notebook.
"I actually have a lyric notebook too." Jimin said as he slid his chair back and ran to his room. The floor became a sea of clothes as he threw apart his suitcase, looking for the notebook, Jimin found it and held it like it was gold. He kicked his clothes into a pile and ran back to the table. Everyone eyed him as he sat down and showed his notebook to Yoongi.
"Here is what I have." Jimin said as he combed his hair back. He showed Yoongi his latest ideas. Yoongi nodded as he bit his pen. Jimin watched in fascination as Yoongi quickly scribbled on his notebook. This moment was probably his dream. Sharing lyrics with Min Yoongi.
"How about this?" Yoongi asked. Jimin's eye's lit up.
"That's beautiful." Jimin said with amazement.
"Really?" Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded, rocking his whole body. Jimin smiled when Yoongi chuckled at his antics.
"Hey Namjoon." Namjoon dropped his conversation with Taehyung at the sound of his name. "Can I use the studio?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon slowly nodded with confusion.
"Why do you want to use the studio?" Namjoon asked with curiosity. Yoongi shrugged.
"I just want to record some things." Namjoon nodded his head and Jimin was excited for tonight. He never had seen a studio and couldn't sit still.
Jimin got dressed for the mall. He decided that a black sweater and some ripped jeans would be sufficient for today. Jimin bolted out the door and Taehyung followed him. The others were waiting in the van for the two. Jimin climbed into the van and sat beside Yoongi again. They both smiled at each other and pulled out their notebooks.
On the ride to the mall, they both exchanged ideas and wrote the final draft on Yoongi's notebook. The ride seemed to go by in a flash as the two packed away their notebooks. When Jimin got out of the car, the staff with them handed him a mask. Jimin eyed it confused, but put it on. He stood by the van, waiting for Yoongi to come out. Once the staff handed him a mask, they both went their separate ways from the group. Jimin had talked to Taehyung and said that he was going with Jungkook. Jimin followed Yoongi into a store as a few fans followed them.
Jimin ran to a rack beside Yoongi and began looking. He pulled out a few shirts and smiled when he saw some fans pointing to him. Jimin waved to them and chuckled to himself when they frantically waved back.
Jimin pulled some shirts out from the rack and showed them to Yoongi.
"Go and try them on." Yoongi said as he pointed to a changing booth. Jimin ran in and threw off his shirt. He took the shirt off the hanger and threw it on. He looked in the mirror a few times to make sure it looked ok.
"You coming out?" Yoongi's voice rang out. Jimin's heart began beating a million miles per second. He wants to see me?
Jimin opened the door and saw Yoongi sitting on one of the benches, looking at his phone.
"What do you think?" Jimin said. Yoongi looked up and Jimin could tell he was smiling behind his mask.
"It looks really good on you. Like really good." Yoongi said. The shirt or sweatshirt had a small cutout on the back, filled by straps.
"Really?" Jimin asked and Yoongi responded by nodding his head.
"I might get this." Jimin said to himself, but Yoongi responded.
"Get it, it looks nice on you." Jimin smiled and felt a tinge of heat on his cheeks.
"Oh." Yoongi started. "If found these and I was wondering if you wanted..." Yoongi held up two matching bracelets. Jimin thought he was going to melt into the floor.
"I love them." Jimin walked forward and held the bracelet. Yoongi stood up.
"Ok I'll go and buy them." Jimin nodded and went back into the changing booth and changed back into his shirt. As Yoongi stood in line, Jimin looked through more racks of clothes.
As he passed by a rack, he saw a familiar face, Minwoo. He was standing and leaning against a wall, fiddling with his phone. Jimin dug his nails into his palms and began to walk forward, ignoring the pounding of his heart. He stood in front of Minwoo and grabbed his phone.
"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked in a stern voice. Minwoo chuckled and grabbed his phone from Jimin's grasp.
"Nothing just shopping." Jimin scoffed.
"Like I'd believe that." Jimin took a step closer. "Stay away." Jimin walked away and returned to the clothes rack, closest to Yoongi. Jimin let out a sigh and relaxed his shoulders. He thought he was in clear when he felt someone pass by him and whisper something.
Who was the one that killed their brother again?
Jimin felt his knees buckle and he bent to the ground and let out a sob as Minwoo stood, facing him. Jimin tried to calm himself and looked up to see Yoongi running towards him.
"Jimin, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked in a worried tone as he rubbed Jimin's back.
"It's-it's Minwoo." Jimin said between sobs and he pointed towards Minwoo, who was facing them.
"Why don't you just leave him alone." Yoongi said, standing in front of Jimin. Why now?
Minwoo chuckled.
"He isn't quite the person you can just leave alone." Minwoo said, bending down. "I see your just as emotional." Minwoo snorted.
"Leave him alone. He doesn't need a creep like you around." Yoongi spat back. Minwoo smiled.
"You don't know the first thing about him." Minwoo walked to Yoongi and whispered something.
"What if I told you.."
Jimin felt like a dam had been released as he cried. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed. He just wanted the floor to swallow him.
Why him?

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