Chasing Clouds Ch. 12

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"He killed his siblings."
Jimin fell to his knees and let the tears fall. He didn't care about the people gathering around them, he just wanted to escape this hell first. Jimin didn't want to think about what Yoongi was thinking. Jimin stuck his head out from between his knees.
"I didn't kill them." Jimin turned to Yoongi. "Don't believe a word he says." Jimin said, nodding in Minwoo's direction. Minwoo laughed and stuck his hands in his pockets. Jimin wanted to slap him. He looked at Yoongi and saw his eyebrows furrow in confusion. Jimin looked back at the ground and sobbed.
I'm sorry
"Then why did you always cry and tell me that you did." Minwoo said with a smirk. Jimin stood up and faced Yoongi.
"Because, my stupid actions did plan their fate." Jimin gripped the ends of his sweatshirt. "My older brother was a really funny and nice person. When he was driving me to my dance practice, we were dancing to a song on the radio." Jimin smiled to himself as waterfalls poured from his eyes. "I started shaking him and we crashed into an oncoming car." Jimin wiped his nose and hiccuped. "I was unharmed but my brother died on the spot. I held him in the rain and yelled for someone to get an ambulance. After my brother's funeral, my sister killed herself. I blamed myself for causing their deaths. I could have stopped it if I wasn't so stupid. The kids at school teased me because when they had to cart my brother away, I wouldn't let go. My parents started to abuse me as well." Jimin couldn't hold back the tears anymore. He turned to Yoongi. "So yes I killed my siblings and I'm sorry for not telling you. I get it if you hate me now, it's ok." Jimin eyes shot wide open when Yoongi crushed him in a hug.
"I don't hate you, you just didn't know what your actions would do. I'm sure your brother still loves you." Jimin let go of everything he was holding back, all the tears, all the pain, the sorrow, he let it all out and fell to the ground, clinging to Yoongi's jeans. Yoongi bent down and wiped a tear off of Jimin's cheek.
"I'm sure your brother is proud of where you are right now." Jimin let tears slip out again and mumbled a thank you to Yoongi. Across from them, Minwoo let out a low chuckle.
"Looks like someone finally accepted you for the mess you are." Jimin clenched his teeth and jumped back in surprise when Yoongi stood up and yelled at Minwoo.
"You shouldn't be calling him a mess when you are the one who tried to rape him." Jimin watched as Yoongi's lip curled into a smirk.
"Come on, that was years ago." Minwoo said as he turned to Jimin. "I've changed, I can fix you." Jimin looked at him in disgust.
"Fuck off Minwoo." Jimin spat.
"Haven't you done enough to him?" Yoongi added. Minwoo turned to Yoongi.
"Why would you stand up for him when you already have enough insecurities of your own?" Minwoo smirked. "I bet you stay up late at night thinking you're not good enough to be here, to be an idol. I bet you cry over how your parents left you, about-."
"Stop." Jimin screamed. "I don't care what you say about me. Hell you can curse me to the ground for all I care, but you cannot hurt him." Jimin said as he pointed to Yoongi. Jimin let out a breath as he tried to steady himself. Minwoo scoffed.
"Why didn't you want to hear the truth?" Minwoo asked as he tilted his head to the side. Jimin stood up and stared straight at Minwoo.
"I don't like to see the people I love get hurt." Jimin clenched his fists as he let out his confession.
"How could you love someone like him?" Minwoo asked.
"How couldn't I?" Jimin smiled. "He makes the best songs, he has the cutest gummy smile, he cares for everything, he licks his lips when he is nervous, he loves to sleep, he is super cuddly, he is one the kindest people I have ever met and you ask how I could love someone like him?" Jimin sighed and bent down to catch his breath. Yoongi slowly bent down beside him.
"Do you actually love me?" Yoongi asked. Jimin stared back with the most heart filled eyes.
"How couldn't I?" Jimin could feel Yoongi's hand ghosting it's way over to the side of his head where his fingers tightly tousled his cotton candy pink hair. Yoongi's finger caressed Jimin's thumb as he felt the distance between them closing. Jimin leaned forward and felt Yoongi's lips collide with his. Jimin sighed in relief and relaxed in the kiss, letting himself drown in the moment. Jimin couldn't even begin to describe what it felt like. They broke apart only for air. Jimin slowly crept his eyes to meet Yoongi's.
"I-um I." Yoongi scratched the back of his neck. "I love you too." Jimin laughed at Yoongi's awkwardness.
"Thank you." Jimin whispered. Jimin smiled to himself.
I can't believe this
"Hey." Minwoo shouted. "It's funny." Minwoo started. "The broken always end up getting together." Jimin stood up in front of Yoongi.
"You know I was going to ask about your sister but then I remembered that you can't stand within thirty feet of her. I was also wondering about your parents but it's too bad that they disowned you." Jimin smirked when Minwoo's smile disappeared and he started flinching. The mall police started to push their way through the crowd and caught Minwoo. Minwoo started yelling at Jimin.
"Fuck you Park Jimin, I hope you rot in hell." Minwoo screamed. Yoongi helped Jimin up and Jimin lost his breath when Yoongi suddenly picked him up. Jimin closed his eyes although he could feel the stares. He was most likely going to be on the front page tomorrow. Jimin laid in Yoongi's arms and fell asleep as Yoongi carried him to van. He fell asleep with the scent of cologne.
It couldn't get better or worse then this
"He killed his siblings."
Yoongi couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe Jimin could be capable of something that horrible. He was Jimin, the sweet, caring, kind Jimin. Yoongi couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it.
"I didn't kill them." Jimin turned to Yoongi.
"Don't believe a word he says." He said, nodding in Minwoo's direction. Minwoo laughed and stuck his hands in his pockets. Yoongi hated that smirk on his face. He just wanted it to die.
"Then why did you always cry and tell me that you did." Minwoo said with a smirk. Jimin stood up and faced Yoongi.
"Because, my stupid actions did plan their fate." Jimin gripped the ends of his sweatshirt. "My older brother was a really funny and nice person. When he was driving me to my dance practice, we were dancing to a song on the radio." Jimin smiled to himself as waterfalls poured from his eyes. "I started shaking him and we crashed into an oncoming car." Jimin wiped his nose and hiccuped. "I was unharmed but my brother died on the spot. I held hm in the rain. After my brother's funeral, my sister killed herself. I blamed myself for causing their deaths. I could have stopped it if I wasn't so stupid. The kids at school teased me because when they had to cart my brother away, I wouldn't let go. My parents started to abuse me as well." Yoongi watched as Jimin slowly broke apart. "So yes I killed my siblings and I'm sorry for not telling you. I get it if you hate me now, it's ok." Yoongi shot forward and crushed Jimin in a hug.
"I don't hate you, you just didn't know what your actions would do. I'm sure your brother still loves you." Yoongi held Jimin tighter as the younger let out all of his emotion. He could feel the wet tears on his sweatshirt. Yoongi fell down with Jimin and wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"I'm sure your brother is proud of where you are right now." Jimin mumbled a thank you.
Across from them, Minwoo let out a low chuckle.
"Looks like someone finally accepted you for the mess you are." Yoongi stood up, in front of Jimin.
"You shouldn't be calling him a mess when you are the one who tried to rape him." Yoongi's lips curled up into a smirk. He was going to take Minwoo with him, for causing all this misery to Jimin.
"Come on, that was years ago." Minwoo said as he turned to Jimin. "I've changed, I can fix you." Yoongi had to hold himself back. He looked back at Jimin.
"Fuck off Minwoo." Jimin spat.
"Haven't you done enough to him?" Yoongi added. Minwoo turned to Yoongi.
"Why would you stand up for him when you already have enough insecurities of your own?" Yoongi took a step back.
How did he-?
Minwoo smirked. "I bet you stay up late at night thinking you're not good enough to be here, to be an idol. I bet you cry over how your parents left you, about-."
"Stop." Jimin screamed. Yoongi quickly turned over to the younger.
"I don't care what you say about me. Hell you can curse me to the ground for all I care, but you cannot hurt him." Jimin said as he pointed to Yoongi. Yoongi bent down to comfort Jimin. Minwoo scoffed.
"Why didn't you want to hear the truth?" Minwoo asked as he tilted his head to the side. Yoongi watched as Jimin stood up and faced Minwoo.
"I don't like to see the people I love get hurt." Yoongi's heart stopped at the younger's words. "How could you love someone like him?" Minwoo asked.
"How couldn't I?" Jimin smiled. "He makes the best songs, he has the cutest gummy smile, he cares for everything, he licks his lips when he is nervous, he loves to sleep, he is super cuddly, he is one the kindest people I have ever met and you ask how I could love someone like him?" Yoongi watched as Jimin bent down beside him. He couldn't hold back the question.
"Do you actually love me?" Yoongi asked. He saw Jimin look at him with soft eyes.
"How couldn't I?" Yoongi couldn't stop himself as his hand touched the side of his face and slowly made it's way to Jimin's ear. He pet Jimin's ear with his hand and closed his eyes. Yoongi slowly leaned forward and felt himself collide with Jimin. The kiss was short but heartfelt. Yoongi relaxed into it and tried to pour how he felt about the younger into the kiss. They slowly pulled back for air.
Yoongi was the first to speak. He tried to think of the words.
"I-um I." Yoongi scratched the back of his neck. He internally cringed when he spoke, but it was worth it to see Jimin smiling again.
"Thank you." Jimin whispered. Yoongi pulled him closer.
"Hey." Minwoo shouted. "It's funny." Minwoo started. "The broken always end up getting together." Jimin stood up.
"You know I was going to ask about your sister but then I remembered that you can't stand within thirty feet of her. I was also wondering about your parents but it's too bad that they disowned you." Yoongi chuckled as Minwoo clenched his fists.
Serves you right
Yoongi watched as the mall police came and took Minwoo away. Minwoo threw himself against the guards.
"Fuck you Park Jimin, I hope you rot in hell." Yoongi looked at Jimin and saw the emotions running in his eyes. He picked up the younger and carried him through the crowd. He didn't dare to look behind and see all of the reporters. Yoongi looked down at the younger. His cotton candy hair fell against Yoongi's chest as the younger slept in his arms. Yoongi walked as fast as he could to the company van. The manager opened it and Yoongi was met with five worried faces.
"What the hell happened to Jimin?"
"Who was that?"
"I heard you guys kissed?"
Yoongi ignored them and crawled into back of the van and softly laid Jimin in the seat and buckled him. He sighed and turned to the others.
" We saw Minwoo." Yoongi said, looking at Taehyung. Everyone sat around in confusion while Taehyung gasped.
"Did he do anything to Jimin?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi slowly nodded.
"I'm going to kill him." Yoongi put his hands out to calm Taehyung.
"He yelled at Jimin put me and Jimin yelled back." Taehyung looked back, confused.
"Do you know about Minwoo?" Yoongi nodded.
"Do you also know about..." Yoongi nodded while everyone sat in confusion.
"What?" Seokjin asked. Taehyung sighed as he begun to explain.
"Jimin's siblings died and Jimin blames himself. Minwoo was Jimin's best friend until he tried to rape Jimin." Seokjin stood up suddenly as much as the van would let him.
"Where is this jerk and why would he hurt our precious Jimin?!" Yoongi coaxed Seokjin to sit back down.
"We told him off and he's in the hands of the police now." Everyone took a sigh of relief. Hosoek pushed his way to the front.
"So did you guys kiss." Yoongi could feel his cheeks heat up as everyone screamed.
"You guys did?!"
"I knew you two where meant to be together." Yoongi groaned and buried his head in his hands.

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