Chapter 3

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My phone buzzed in my pocket and Allison was calling me.

"Hey, Whats up?"

"I texted Harry, and he asked to hang out tonight!"

"No way."

"Im dead serious."

"Cool! Are you gonna?"

"Uh yeah! He wants you to come too. So it wouldn't be to awkward."

"Allison. No."


"Because I don't even like them! I've made this clear before!"

"Well I already told him you would."


"Sorry! I just got caught up in the moment...."

"Fine. Where are wegoing?"

"To the beach. So wear your sexy swimsuit and meet us there at 3."

"Ok. You mean the one in London?"

"Yeah. See you then."

I hang up the phone is disbelief.

"Hey Katlyn, I'm going to the beach with Allison. I'll be back later."


I go into my closet and pick out my pink striped bikini. I sliped it on and put my t-shirt and shorts over it and put on my flip flops and went out to my car and drove off to the beach.


"Rach you're here!" Allison yells running up to me.

"Yeah. I didn't want to abandon you."

"Thanks. Comon, Harry's sitting on his chair."

"Um, okay?"

Allison lead me to their spot where her and Harry were set up. When I saw Harry, he was talking to another guy.

"Hey Rachel!" Harry said.


The guy turned to look at me. It was Louis.

I grabbed Allison's arm and turned her around.

"You knew about him coming?" I hissed.

"Yeah, because he really wanted you to come and if you knew he came, you wouldn't come."

"Yeah that's about right." I say.

"Sorry. Just comon, enjoy it. It's not everyday you hang out with celebs."


Allison turned back around and we both sat down by them.

"Hey Rachel." Louis says.


"How ya doing?"

"Good. and you?"

"Great. Let's go swimming guys!" he says.

"No thanks. I tan." I say.

"Comon!" he whines.




He gives me a pouty lip.


"Comon Rach." Allison says.

"No! I don't wanna. I'm tanning!" I say and take off my shirt and shorts so I can tan.

"Please?" Both of them say in unison.

"Um let me think, No."

I stand up to get my sunglasses but Louis lifts me up behind his shoulder and carries me to the water.

"Let me go!" I shriek.

"Nah." he says and runs into the water.


"No. Sound like a familiar answer?"

"Shut up and let me go."

"Nooo." he says and drops me in the water gently.

My eyes don't have the chance to close before I slip under the water. They sting instantly and I try to touch the bottom of the lake with my feet and push my head above water.

"You tard!"

"That's what they call me!" he says and smirks.

I wade over to him and push his head under the water and keep it there for a couple seconds and let him come up.


"No prob."

"Note the sarcasim."

"Someone's a little snappy huh?"

"Nah." he says. Then he lifts me up bridal style.

"Um, what are you doing?"

"Making sure you can't leave."

Before I have the chance to respond, he dunks us both underwater. I close my eyes and hold my breath, somewhat prepared this time.

"Comon!" I say as we reach the surface.

"Have a little fun." he says and looks at me.

His blue eyes were gorgeous I had to admitt. Something about him confused me. We started at eachother sliently.

I felt it getting awkward. "Um, I'm going to dry off." I say and roll out of his arms and swim toward shore.

I step onto the warm sand and walk over to our place to grab my towel and dry off.

"Wow, it got intent there for a second." Harry says.

"Yeah sure."

"Seriously Rachel, I think he likes you!"

"Yeah right. Out of all the celebrities and models he is totally capable of liking, there is no freaking way he'd choose me."

"Louis isn't really like that." Harry says. "He is a very down to earth kinda of guy and treats all girls like the amazing people they are. You are totally capable of getting Louis to like you."

"Uh huh." I say as Louis walks on shore and sits with us.

"Wow it got cold!" Louis says happily.

"Yeah. Hey Allison, want to go get a drink?" Harry asks and winks at me.

"Yeah! Let's go!" she says and gets up and leaves with Harry.

I look at Louis who was checking his phone.

"Sorry about leaving." I say

"No worries. It kinda got awkward."

"Yeah...a little."

"Haha. Don't worry."

"It's nothing against you. I'm just having a hard time getting close to people. Ever since my parents died, it's just been my sister and I. Then I had a boyfriend, Steven when I was seventeen and then he just was a cheater and broke my heart. It was really hard."

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Rachel." he says and puts his hand on top of mine.

"It's not your fault Louis."

"I wish you could trust me, but I understand."

I just looked at him. I wanted to trust him. But I had to remember he was a celebrity. He could party every night with different girls and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it when he was gone.

"Louis, it's not that I don't trust you. It's just memories."

"I understand."

I take my hand out from underneath his and check my twitter. I have a ton of mentions.

"What the heck?" I whisper.

"Huh?" Louis asks.

"My twitter exploded."

"Oh no."

I check all my mentions and click on one picture. Louis holding me in the lake.

"Holy mother of God."


I show him the picture.

"Oh crap. This will be everywhere now."

"Yeah and that happened like 10 minutes ago?"

"News spreads fast babe."

"I can see that."

I look up at him and we both stare at eachother intently. Then he kisses me. Louis Tomlinson, kissed me.

I get up right away after he pulls away and take my clothes with me to go see Allison.

"Rach wait up." Louis says behind me.

I run over to her and Harry sitting at a table.

"Allison, I need to talk to you."


"NOW." I say furiously.

"Okay. I'll be back in a second Harry."

He nodded and she got up and followed me away from the table.

"Louis kissed me." I whisper.

"Really?!?" she squealed.

"Yeah. But I'm leaving. I don't want to be in a relationship right now. And definately not with a celebrity. Call me later."

"Rach, you're blowing this out of proportion."

"No I'm not. I'm not getting close to another guy for him to be taken away from me again just like my parents and like Steven."

"Steven was a dirty cheater." she hisses.

"And how do I know Louis isn't?"

"Because he wouldn't do that. Try listening to him."

"Okay fine, but I have to go."

"Fine. Love ya."

"You too." I say and hug her.

I walk quickly toward my car and Louis comes up to me before I can open my door.

"Rach, I'm sorry." he says.

"I'm sorry Louis. I can't do this." I say and open my door and sit down.

I pull out of the parking lot and look in my rearview mirror and see Louis walking away looking at the ground.

* * *

I open the front door and walk to she Katlyn on her laptop.

"Hey Katlyn." I say setting my keys on the counter.

"How could you?!?!?" she screams at me.

"What did I do?"

She lifts up her pink laptop and shows me the picture of Louis and I in the lake and us kissing.

"Katlyn, I left right after that because I couldn't do it anymore. I can't have a boyfr-"

"Save it. You still did it and there's proof."

"Comon give me a chance."

"And if you knew you were hanging out with Louis, you could've told me. For god's sake, you don't even like them!"

"Fine whatever. But I'm not dating Louis." I say and go upstairs.

My laptop was just where I left it and turned it on to check Facebook, Twitter, and my Tumblr.

I had 169 notifications on Facebook, 1,304 mentions on Twitter, and 134 messages on Tumblr. Everything was about Louis either sending me death threats, asking what was going on or to post more pictures. This was insane.

If I wanted my life to be like this, I might as well date Louis. But I dont. So I update my status on every website I am on.

All my Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr friends, I am NOT dating Louis Tomlinson. I don't plan on dating him, so please stop asking about him. And the death threats are unaccpetable. Please forget about this, it's no big deal and I promise not to blow this out of proportion. I don't want my life to be monitored 24/7.

Thanks so much,

Rachel. xoxo.

Right away, I get responses, either saying it's bull crap or that they were dead serious about the things they said.

My phone buzzes and it's Allison.

Allison: Rach, Louis is not being himself. You need to do something.

I think I just broke the heart of a world famous tennager. Maybe if not from all the unforgiving people who hate me, I am starting to hate myself too.


So long chapter! I hope you liked it! And poor Louis :(

Next Chapter: Will Rachel do something to make it up to Louis? And Allison and Harry! Will something come out of this?

Next Update: Tomrrow hopefully!


Picture: My babe, Louis Tomlinson.

Video: Amazing cover by One Direction for A Thousand Miles! This almost made me cry! It's amazing!

I love you guys a lot!

~Lizzie xoxo.

Falling Hard for Louis TomlinsonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora